Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Combinations for Astrologers

WITH the multiplication and chequering of the branches of education and profession, the onus of finding out the horoscopic combinations for various professions (means of livelihood) lying with the astrological researchers seems to be on the increase. The abstruseness and complicacies that surround the issue of determination of profession, are sure to be dispelled by intensive and strenuous researches on the part of sincere students of Astrology. It will help to trace the significators (karakas) of the important branches of knowledge, e.g., Physics, Nuclear Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Medicine, Engineering, Economics, History, Literature, Accountancy and so on.

The present article attempts to throw some light on the combinations for occult studies and practices, i.e., the different arts of prediction, namely Astrology, Palmistry, Numerology, Forehead-reading, etc.

It would be worthwhile to look up what our ancient classics say in this regard. According to "Brihat Parasari Hora" (Chapter 9, sloka 91), if Ketu occupies Lagna, 5th the 9th or the Karakamsa, the native becomes expert in Mathematics and Astrology.

Sri Venkata Sharma in his "Sarvartha Chintamani" (sloka 35) observed as follows:

(a) If Mercury and the lord of the 2nd house are strongly placed in a Kendra, or

(b) if Venus combines with a benefic in the 2nd or 3rd house, or

(c) if exalted Venus occupies the 2nd, the native becomes an Astrologer.

"Bhavartha Ratnakara" (in the chapter on "Education") gives the following combinations for Astrologers:

If Mercury is in the 4th, the person becomes proficient in Astrology (Stanza 1).

If the Sun, Mercury and Rahu be in the 5th, the native becomes learned in Astrology (Stanza 2).

The person becomes well-versed in Astrology if the Sun and Mercury are in the 2nd. He becomes mathematician if the combination is aspected by Saturn (Stanza 3).

The 3rd, the 6th, the 8th and the 12th houses are called 'hidden houses'. The 8th and the 12th house, in particular, bear much esoteric significance and relate to extra-sensory perceptions developing at the backwaters of human mind, as well as the paranormal capacities which elude and surpass ordinary intelligence. Therefore, it is quite plausible to associate occult studies and practices like Astrology, Palmistry, numerology, Physiognomy, Forehead Study, Thought-reading, Clairvoyance, Yoga, Tantra, Mesmerism, Spirit Communications, etc. with the 8th and 12th houses. This has been found to be verified by the study of a number of horoscopes of Astrologers, Palmists and other experts following different methods of divination.

The influence of the evil houses probably explains, in the first place, the humiliation and agony which the Astrologers very often experience, on failure of their predictions, and secondly, the malpractices and duplicities on the part of a large section of professional Astrologers.

As regards Karakas among planets, Rahu, being the planet of speculation, plays a major role in the horoscopes of Astrologers. The idiosyncrasy of an Astrologer is, of course, guided by the planed wielding the greatest influence in the nativity. An Astrologer, for example, with the Sun having predominance, will take to political astrology with a special care for the horoscopes of Heads of States. One having a powerful Mercury will have leanings on the mathematical side of Astrology with a flair for snapshot predictions. Mercury being the Karaka for Mathematics, requires additional strength in the horoscopes of great Astronomers. An Astrologer with Venus as the ruling planet will specialize in Female Horoscopy, with a taste for the marital prospects in a nativity.

It may now be explained how the influence of the 8th house and the 12th house arise in a nativity.

The Lagna is the pivot of the horoscope, and the inclination of the native is determined by (a) the house occupied by the Lagna lord, and (b) by the lordship of the planet/planets occupying or aspecting the Lagna, the 5th house (representing the mind) and the 10th house (representing work) are to be treated with equal importance as the Lagna, for the purpose of determination of profession. For example, if the lord of the 5th is placed in the 12th (i.e. in the 8th from the 5th), or if the lord of the 10th is placed in the 5th (i.e. in the 8th from the 10th), the influence of the 8th house may be said to arise. It should be borne in mind that the placements are be reckoned from all the three lagnas, viz., the Lagna, the Moon Lagna and the Sun Lagna. The first set of combinations deals with the influence of the 8th house.

1. Lagna-lord in the 8th.

2. Lord of the 8th occupying or aspecting lagna or making any relationship with the lagna-lord.

3. The 5th lord in the 12th (8th from the 5th).

4. The 12th lord occupying or aspecting the 5th or making any relationship with the 5th lord.

5. The 10th lord in the 5th (8th from the 10th).

6. The 5th lord occupying or aspecting the 10th or making any relationship with the 10th lord.

7. Lagna-lord in the 12th.

8. The 12th lord occupies or aspects lagna or makes any relationship with the lagna-lord.

9. The 5th lord in the 4th (12th from the 5th).

10. The 4th lord occupies or aspects the 5th or makes any relationship with the 5th lord.

11. The 10th lord in the 9th (12th from the 10th).

12. The 9th lord occupies or aspects the 10th or makes any relationship with the 10th lord. The importance of the Navamsa-chart can hardly be over-emphasized and it should be treated as the pinpointer regarding determination of profession or occupation. One or more of the above combinations must be present in the Navamsa chart too. It may be noted that a native having one or more of the above combinations in his/her birth chart will be drawn to the study/practice of Astrology or other occult subjects, not necessarily choosing them as his/her means of livelihood.

The above principles are illustrated below with the birth charts of some famous Astrologers.

1. Cheiro (Count Louis Hamon) – The great palmist, numerologist and clairvoyant was born at 53°N 8°W on 1.11.1866 at 10.54 a.m. Rasi Chart—Cancer: Mars 2°54'; Leo: the Moon 5°; Virgo: Rahu 10°21'; Libra: the Sun 16°51'; Saturn 22°06'; Scorpio: Mercury 4°15', Venus 28°31'; Lagna 28°; Capricorn: Jupiter 3°05'; Pisces: Ketu 10°21'. In his birth chart, we find: (a) The 12th lord Venus is exactly on lagna (b) from the Moon lagna the 5th lord Jupiter is closely aspected by the 4th lord Mars. The two Neecha-Vargottama planets aspecting each other, has formed a very powerful Raja-Yoga.

2. Alfed Witte, the founder of Uranian Astrology' was born at Hamburg (52°55'N, 10°E) on 2.3.1878 at 9.30 p.m. Rasi Chart—Aries: Mars 27°15'; Cancer: Ketu 29°13'; Libra: Lagna 3°; Capricorn: Jupiter 5°30'; Rahu: 29°13'; Aquarius: Mercury 4°55';Venus(R) 4°58'; the Moon 6°08'; the Sun 20°02'. a) Lagn-lord Venus is exactly joined with Mercury, lord of the 12th. b) The 12th lord Mercury is placed close in the 5th. c) The 10th lord Moon is in the 5th (8th from the 10th). d) From the Moon lagna, the 8th lord Mercury is exactly on lagna.

3. C E O Carter, the noted British Astrologer was born at 5043N, 225W on 31.1.1887 at 11.01 p.m. GMT. Aries: the Moon 15°08'; Gemini: Saturn(R) 25°01'; MC 29°38'; Leo: Rahu 6°38'; Virgo: Lagna 24°31'; Libra: Jupiter 13°02'; Capricorn: Mercury 15°26'; the Sun 19°34'; Aquarius: Venus 3°47', Ketu 6°38'; Mars 8°09'. a) The 10th is occupied by the 5th lord Saturn (Rule 6). b) The 10th lord Mercury is placed in the 5th (Rule 5). c) Lagna lard Mercury is closely joined with the 12th lord, the Sun (Rule 8). d) The Moon lagna is powerfully aspected by the 12th lord Jupiter (Rule 8).

4) Dr Walter A Koch, the famous German Astronomer and Astrologer was born at 48°44'N; 9°19'E on 18.9.1895 at 6.26 a.m. CET. Cancer: Jupiter 10°03'; Leo: Ketu 19°39'; Virgo: the Sun 2°39'; Venus (R) 4°17'; Lagna 10°; Mars 10°12'; Mercury 25°06'; Libra: Saturn 12°26'; Aquarius: Rahu 19°39'. a) Lagna is closely occupied by the 8th lord Mars and the 12th lord, the Sun (Rule 2). b) The 5th house is closely aspected by the 4th lord Jupiter (Rule 10). c) The 10th is aspected by Rahu (Karaka).

5. Grant Lewi, the Astrological writer was born at 42°42'N, 73°46'W on 8.6.1902 at 8.40 a.m. LMT. Aries: Ketu 9°36', Venus 12°37'; Taurus: Mars 8°18', the Sun 24°18'; Gemini: Mercury 13°22', the Moon 27°00; Cancer: Lagna 12°18'; Libra: Rahu 9°36'; Capricorn: Saturn (R) 4°33'; Jupiter (R) 24°45'. a) Lagna lord, the Moon occupies the 12th. b) Lagna is aspectyed by the 8th lord Saturn. c) From the Sun lagna, the 8th lord Jupiter powerfully aspects lagna (i.e. the Sun).

6) The Chart of late N C Lahiri, the great Astronomer, exemplifies the importance of Mercury. Rasi Chart (Born on 3.10.1906 at 11.30 p.m. LT). Aries: the Moon 1°05'; Gemini: Lagna 18°, Jupiter 17°52'; Cancer: Rahu 16°00'; Leo: Mars 20°53'; Virgo: the Sun 17°04', Mercury 24°09'; Scorpio: Venus 2°39'; Capricorn: Ketu 16°00'; Aquarius: Saturn (R) 17°03'. Mercury is very strongly placed in the 4th in its exaltation and Moolatrikona sign, along with the Sun. As his profession had nothing to do with predictive Astrology, no such combination need be traced in his chart.

7) Jyoti Bachaspati, author of many Bengali treatises on Astrology, was born at 23°20'N, 86°23'E on 17.1.1985 at 7.40 p.m. Taurus: Saturn (R) 12°24'; Leo: Lagna 9°, Jupiter (R) 12°24'; Virgo: Rahu 16°02'; Sagittarius: Venus 9°05', Mercury 13°20'; Capricorn: the Sun 5°27', Mars 11°05', the Moon 19°10'; Pisces: Ketu 16°02'. In this brilliant chart, we find: a) the 8th lord Jupiter closely occupies lagna. b) the 10th lord Venus is placed in the 5th (8th from the 10th). c) from the Moon Lagna (and Sun lagna), the 5th lord Venus is placed in the 12th (8th from the 5th). d) Rahu, the planet of speculation, aspects the 10th (from lagna) as well as the Moon (Mind).

8) J N Bhasin, the noted Astrologer, who left us on 15.5.83, was born at Rawalpindi on 8.8.1908 before Sunrise. Gemini: Rahu 10°15', Venus 15°05'; Cancer: Mercury 9°28', Lagna 10°, the Sun 22°26', Mars 27°05', Jupiter 29°44', Scorpio: the Moon 24°36'; Sagittarius: Ketu 10°15'; Pisces: Saturn (R) 17°22'. a) The 12th lord Mercury occupies lagna. b) From the lagna (and Sun-lagna) the 10th lord Mars is closely joined with the 9th lord Jupiter. c) From the Moon lagna, the 10th lord Sun is placed in the 9th (12th from the 10th). d) Rahu powerfully aspects lagna (by 12th house aspect).

9) K S Krishnamurti, the founder of "Krishnamurti Paddhati", was born at Madras on 1.11.1908 at about 11.00 a.m. Gemini: Rahu 5°43'; Leo: Jupiter 16°; Virgo: Venus 4°49'; Mars 21°37'; Libra: Mercury (R) 8°07', the Sun 15°52'; Sagittarius: Ketu 5°43', Lagna 28°; Capricorn: the Moon 11°20'. a) There is a close exchange between the 10th lord Venus (according to Bhava Chart) and the 9th lord Mercury. b) The 12th lord Mars aspects lagna. c) From the Moon lagna, there is an exchange between 9th lord Mercury and the 10th lord Venus. d) From the Sun lagna (i.e., Libra), there is an exchange between the lagna lord Venus and the 12th lord Mercury.

Birth time rectification through KP Astrology

THE accuracy of any astrological prediction is fundamentally dependent upon three major inputs: a) accurate birth details of the native, b) sound knowledge and experience of the astrologer about the science of astrology and c) the correct casting of the horoscope. Of these three critical inputs, the correct casting of the horoscope is an essential sine qua non for which the accuracy of the birth details is of utmost importance. Birth details include the date of birth, place of birth and the time of birth. However, even though the native or her relative seldom misinforms the date of birth and the place of birth to the astrologer, the accuracy of the reported birth time has long been a major area of concern for the scientific-minded astrologers. This is because, as students of astrology, we are amply aware that wrong birth time would invariably lead to a wrong degree rising on the East as the Lagna (Ascendant) with wrong planetary degrees at birth. The problem is augmented more so, due to the wrong longitude of Moon at birth (emanating from a wrong birth time), resulting in a wrong balance of Dasa at birth and the subsequent periods. Since all the predictions are based on the cascades of Vimshottari Dasa periods of the nine planets, wrong time of birth will lead to prognostications of dubious quality, for no fault of the astrologer or the science of astrology.
Therefore, what we require is an effective technique of birth time rectification, which would be robust in its application and yield consistent results. However, a mere rectification through a robust logic is not enough. The rectified birth time should show immediately and clearly that the new (rectified) birth time is reflective of the native's birth origin and life events. Here, we will discuss a modern and well-researched approach of rectifying birth time based on the principles of Krishnamurti Paddhati (KP). In addition to this, I would provide a novel means to ascertain whether this 'rectified' birth time truly reflects the origin of the native. The article would also demonstrate the techniques with the example of a few case-studies.
What is 'birth'?
This is a question, which, unfortunately, is most often never asked, never answered, and seldom understood. In fact, this question has now become a deadly defensive in the discourse of rationalists targeting astrology and astrologers. The question of what actually constitutes birth has always perplexed the common person. Does 'birth' mean the time when the head of the child is first seen? Or 'birth' takes place when the child is fully out from her mother's womb? Or is it that 'birth' takes place when the umbilical chord is severed? This question of what actually constitutes 'birth' has long remained unanswered in our ancient Indian scriptures, epics and astrological texts of high repute. Only recently, medical science has accepted the fact, after sufficient research proved that 'still-born' babies are not technically 'born', that 'birth' happens when the child cries out after taking in the first breath. Way back in 1901, Dr William Benham in the United States wrote in his book 'The Laws of Scientific Hand-Reading' that life begins after a child takes in her first breath and cries out. We must not forget that Dr Benham was trained in medicine.
Unfortunately, common person is not aware about the true event that constitutes birth. Even in American states, where the husband is allowed to remain present in the labour room of his wife/partner to witness child-birth, the recorded birth time may still be faulty for the simple reason that the husband—father does not know when the 'birth' took place. The situation is worst in countries like India where we depend on third parties like doctors or nurses to "kindly note down the time of 'birth' for family reasons." Thus, there is absolutely no guarantee that the so called 'accurate' birth time given by clients to their astrologers can safely be relied upon. As a result, it is increasingly becoming an imperative to the astrologers to rectify the given birth time before they embark upon their astrological diagnosis and prognosis. However, there are numerous techniques of birth time rectification, which are not only cumbersome in their approach and procedure, but also lack consistency in results. In the following sections, I would elaborate on a novel means to ascertain whether this 'rectified' (new) birth time shows any connection with the origin of the native.
The Rectification Rules: the First Testing:
The rules of rectification are based on the principles of Krishnamurti Paddhati (KP) and Ruling Planets (RP). According to the principles of KP, a planet's position, linkages and effects are determined by the Sign, Constellation and subdivision of the Constellation (popularly called as 'sub') that it occupies at a particular time. In other words, every planet is posited in a sign, occupying a particular star and situated in a sub in that star. Therefore, for a given moment of birth, the 1st cusp (that is the Ascendant/Lagna) would be posited in a particular sign, star and sub. This Ascendant sign-star-sub is our starting point and the increase or decrease in birth time would be operated on this cuspal point.
Our next consideration would be the Moon's degree position in the Ruling planets. For those readers who do not have a clear idea as to what is 'Ruling planet', let me briefly discuss here. Ruling planets refer to the planets that become the Lagna sign-lord, star lord, Moon sign-lord, star lord and the day-lord at the time and place of judgment. Therefore, the ruling planets will invariably vary with time and place of judgment. According to the modern, modified KP principles, the Ruling Planets would include the Lagna sign-star-sub lords, Moon sign-star-sub lords, and the Day-lord of the time when the rectification effort is undertaken. For our method, we take into account only the Ruling Planet Moon's position for seeking linkages with the unrectified Ascendant/Lagna.
According to the rule of rectification, if we find a linkage with the RP Moon sign-star-sub with the un-rectified Ascendant sign-star-sub AT ALL THE THREE LEVELS, then we are sure that the given birth time is correct. Or else we need to correct it by establishing this Three Level Linkage and find the new time.
Stated otherwise, in order to ascertain the correctness of the birth time, we need to check whether the RP Moon sign-lord is linked to the un-rectified Ascendant sign-lord, RP Moon star-lord linked to the un-rectified Ascendant star-lord and RP Moon sub-lord linked with the un-rectified Ascendant sub-lord. This rule is therefore, a rule of three level one-to-one linkage. Let us now understand what constitutes a 'linkage'. For the purpose of birth time rectification, let us assume the following notions:
Ascendant sign lord: X1 Ruling Moon's sign lord: Z1
Ascendant star lord: X2 Ruling Moon's star lord: Z2
Ascendant sub lord: X3 Ruling Moon's sub lord: Z3
According to this method of birth time rectification, we need to first check the linkage between X1 and Z1, to ascertain whether the birth sign is correct or not. If there is no linkage between X1 and Z1, then we need to do rectification at this level first. Once this level is rectified, we need to check whether there is any linkage between X2 and Z2 to find the correct ascendant star. If there is no linkage, then we rectify the time at this level. Lastly, we need to check whether there is linkage between X3 and Z3 to find out whether the Lagna sub is correct according to the given time. If no linkage exists, then we need to increase or decrease the birth time till such sub-level linkage is obtained.
Linkage is said to be present directly if anyone of the following conditions are observed:
1. X and Z are same
2. X is in sub of Z or vice versa
3. X is in star of Z or vice versa
4. X is in the sign of Z or vice versa
5. X is in the star/sub of a third planet that appears as the star lord or sub lord of Z.
The above rule for linkage is to be applied for ALL THE THREE LEVELS, that is, at the sign, star, and the sub level for creating linkage between the Ascendant and RP Moon, if such linkage is absent in the given birth time.
The Rule of Origin: the Second Testing Rule:
What is the guarantee that the correct birth time arrived through the above procedure of linkage is 100% correct? KP astrologers are so passionate about Ruling Planets that they seldom go beyond the results indicated by the RPs. We take it for granted that the rectified time is fully correct without any further testing. Any scientific effort requires the rigour of testing the results for reliability and validity and astrology should never be exception to this rule, if it has to achieve the status of a pure science. Therefore, what is required is a 're-check' whether the rectified birth time is in fact correct or not. For this, I would now put forth a rule that I have been enlightened by the grace of lord Ganesha and personally tested over many charts and found highly satisfactory results. Though the logic of this rule is found in the ancient texts of astrology, I have been using this rule in birth time rectification using KP method. I call this rule as the Rule of Origin. The rationale behind the Rule of Origin is found in the ancient texts of astrology. According to the classical texts of astrology, the birth of a native happens due to his past Karma, Purva Punya (good deeds in the past life) and the father (who is the giver of the Beeja). The mother is only a bearer of the child (Kshetra), but the seed of life comes from the father. Thus, the 9th house of a birth chart shows the qualities of antecedents of a native. So, if the rectified time of birth is truly correct, then the Ascendant/Lagna must be linked with the 9th cusp. This is because every human being is born due to his father. Even modern medical fertilization requires at least one donor sperm cell for effective fertilization of the ovum. Therefore, our ancient astrological dictum about the human origin from his father can never be denied. Every birth must therefore, invariably be linked to the house of father, that is, the 9th cusp.
In my Rule of Origin, I have found that the rectified birth time is indeed correct, if any one of the following is observed:
1. The rectified Lagna Star lord is appearing as the 9th Star lord or sub lord.
2. The rectified Lagna sub lord is appearing as the 9th Star lord or sub lord.
3. The rectified Lagna Star lord or sub lord is linked to the 9th Star lord or sub lord through a third planet only.
If this above linkage is observed between the rectified Lagna and 9th cusp, then only we can be sure that our rectified birth time is indeed correct. It is only after the satisfaction of the Rule of Origin that we can look into some of the life events of the native and corroborate with the rectified horoscope. I have always found that after the exercise of these two rules, the life events of the natives have been reflected in their birth charts to the highest degree of accuracy.
Reference : Article published in Star Teller magazine written by Andrew Dutta.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

How to use Saptamsa in readings

Sex Determination

There are certain simple rules that govern the sex determination of the children.

For a male nativity, the first child is determined by the lord of the 5th house from Saptamsa Lagna, whereas for a female nativity, the first child is determined from the lord of the 9th house from Saptamsa Lagna.

For a male nativity, subsequent children are determined from the lords of every 3rd house from the fifth, in direct order, i.e. the second child 7th house lord third child from 9th house lord and fourth child from 11th house lord and so on whereas, for a female nativity, subsequent children are determined from the lords of every 3rd house from the ninth, in reverse order. i.e. the second child from 7th house lord, third child from 5th lord and fourth child from 3rd lord and so on.

A male child is predicted, if the lord of the child is,

1. placed in an odd sign or, Cancer or Pisces OR

2. exalted or conjoins exalted planets, or

3. conjunct the Sun, Jupiter, Mars or Rahu (considered male planets).

A female child is predicted, if the lord of the child is,

1. placed in an even sign, Gemini or Aquarius, OR

2. debilitated or conjoins debilitated planets, or

3. conjunct the Moon, Venus, Mercury, Ketu (Considered feminine planets) or Saturn (Napumsaka also).

The sign occupied by the 5th, 7th etc Lords should be treated as the Lagna of individual children. Take the lord as the Lagna of specific children and predict fortune as per dasa’s.

Timing the birth of Children

1. Birth, of children takes place during the dasa of planets having Argala on Saptamsa Lagnesh.

2. Individual children are predicted during the antardasa of the lord of the child, its depositor or the lords of the 3rd/8th from the Lagna (as mentioned earlier). In case of a conflict between the indications of the saptamsa of expectant father and mother, the results should be predicted from the male horoscope(This rule has also been proved by genetics wherein it is an established fact that the sex chromosomes are only determined by the male)

3. Generally, a male child is born in six Rasi comprising the kendra/kona from Janma Rasi of saptamsa of father, i.e. the Janma Rasi of the son is the 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th or 10th from saptamsa Rasi of the father.

4. Generally, a female child is born in the remaining six Rasi i.e. 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th, or 12th from the saptamsa moon of the father.

Case 1: Male born on 12 November1934, Cuttack, India

1. 5th Lord in Rasi, Mercury has gained 3 Amsa and is placed with 3 planets. The native has three children.

2. 5th Lord from Saptamsa Lagna, Mercury, is placed alone in Dhanus. The first issue is a son who works in a telecommunication company. Since Mercury is in the 12th from Lagnesh Saturn, he is settled in a foreign country. He was born during Rahu-Merc-Venus in Vrischik Rasi Kendra to Simha-Saptamsa moon.

3. 7th lord sun is exalted in Mesha. The second issue is also a son who is employed in the Govt. He was born in Rahu-Merc-Guru in Kumbha Rasi.

4. 9th Lord Venus is exalted in Pisces, and conjoin Ketu. In spite of Ketu the two other factors predominate and the 3rd issue is also a son involved in the export of prawns(Ketu). He was born during Rahu dasa Ketu antardasa in Simha Rasi.

Case:2 Male born 7 May1963, 11 a.m. at 25N5, 85 E25.

1. 3 planets aspect the 5th (Rasi drishti) as the 5th Lord in debility gains 7 Navamsa. The native has 3 issues (2 Surviving)

2. Sun, 5th Lord in Saptamsa, is alone in Virgo showing the 1st issue that was lost few months after conception as the fifth lord going to the sixth house shows early death of child.

3. Venus, 7th lord is in Kumbha and 2nd pregnancy is a daughter.

4. The 9th lord Jupiter is in Sagittarius, but conjoins debilitated Rahu and Mercury. Thus the third issue as foretold, is a daughter. [All other astrologers had said boy as the Dasa was of Jupiter, but the results were different.]

5. The native wanted to try for a son again, but was advised against it since the 11th lord Saturn is alone in Capricorn and, this issue too would be a female.

It maybe noted that from the case histories it will be seen that a conjunction dominations placement unless the lord is exalted or debilitated.

Mystic powers of Kal Sarpa Yoga

Rahu and Ketu are two modes of Moon and they are regarded as full-fledged planets in Astrology. They are considered as most dreaded planets. Rahu is the Dragon’s head and Ketu as Dragon’s tail. Both of them form a malefic yoga, known as Kal-Sarp Yoga.
In Astrology, this Yoga is supposed to have direct impact on the following events :
- It causes deterioration of health and reduces longevity.
- It causes imprisonment or serious accident.
- It causes separation, divorce and marital discord.
- It causes poverty and destruction of wealth.
- It causes destruction of business and loss of job.
- It causes destruction of kingdoms and rulers.
- It causes downfall of most powerful persons in politics.
Formation of Kalsarp Yoga :
- All the planets should be within the orbit of Rahu and Ketu.
- Rahu should be at the upper end and ketu at the lower end.
- There is no planet outside the arch.
- That there is no planet conjuncting with Rahu or Ketu.
- That all the seven planets should face Rahu,which is always retrograde.
Impact of Kal-Sarp Yoga :
- Rahu in first house and Ketu in 7th house: Downfall, loss of position and reputation, mishappening, marital discord, loss of wife and children.
- Rahu in second house and Ketu in 8th house : Reduction in wealth and health causes poverty, worries defects in body and lot of travelling.
- Rahu in 3rd house and Ketu in 9th house : Involved in criminal activities, unpopular, waste energy and wealth, selfish, accident prone and paralysis is possible.
- Rahu in 4th house and Ketu in 10th house : Loss of property, disappoint-ment, loss of job and business, unhappiness, sarpdosha unhappy and unsettled life.
- Rahu in 5th and Ketu in 11th house : Heavy losses in litigation, failure in love affair, loss of children and betrayal by friends.
- Rahu in 6th house and Ketu in 12th house : imprisonment, secret enemies, bad health and serious sickness and set backs in married life.
Note : The impact is more severe if Rahu has support of Sun and Saturn.
Duration of Kal-Sarpn Yoga :
- Rahu in 1st house: upto 27 years of age.
- Rahu in 2nd house: upto 33 years of age.
- Rahu in 3rd house: upto 36 years of age.
- Rahu in 4th house: upto 42 years of age.
- Rahu in 5th house: upto 48 years of age.
- Rahu in 6th house: upto 54 years of age.
Notes :
- It causes malefic impact on houses occupied by Rahu and Ketu.
- It causes malefic impact on houses aspected by Rahu and ketu.
- It spoils the benefic planets joining with Rahu and Ketu.
- It causes severe hardship when related with Sun and Saturn or the lords of the houses occupied by Sun, Saturn,Rahu and Ketu.
- Its impact will be clearly noticed during periods and interperiods of Rahu and Ketu.
- Its impact is more severe when Rahu/Ketu are in 1,5 or 9th position from themselves or Sun, Mars and Saturn.
- Sometimes it pushes a man to great heights.
- Sometimes it gives benefic results, when Rahu/Ketu are aspected by benefic planets, specially Jupiter or Venus.
- Ketu is always 180 degrees from the longitude of Rahu
- In case Uranus, Neptune or Pluto are outside the arch of Rahu and Ketu, no Kal-Sarp Yoga is formed.
- Ketu’s aspect is less malefic than Rahu
- Raja Yogas in the chart are more effective than Kal-Sarp Yoga
- This Yoga causes great harm to th4e family, society and nation through the person who has Kal-Sarp Yoga
- This Yoga plays important role in Mundane Astrology
- Rahu joining ninth Mars in any chart create criminals or suicide or serious accident or murder
- Rahu and Saturn joining in any house destroy the 7th house, the house opposite them
- Rahu in transit creating relations with Jupiter or Venus gives benefic results
- Ketu moving over any planet is evil for the significations of the concerned house
- Rahu and Ketu generally behaves like lord of the sign occupied by them or the planet conjuncting with them.
- If Ascendant is outside the arch of Kal-Sarp Yoga, the malefic impact is reduced.
- The dispositors of Rahu and Ketu also play important role in determining the benefic or malefic impact.
- Rahu in 3rd or 6th house in Aries, Taurus or Cancer sign does not give malefic results. It is benefic and gives benefic results.
- Rahu in 10th house or aspecting 10th house and its lord along with Sun and Saturn destroy the native’s career. In case of 7th house separation and divorce id possible
- Rahu and Mars in 3rd house causes accident and damages to life.
- Rahu + Mars + Sat in ascendant: Dangerous personality.

Guru Chandal Yoga

This yoga is formed when Jupiter is in conjunction with or is aspected by Rahu or Ketu The native is prone to act immorally and perform many misdeeds. However the results are not as frightening as they are made out to be. Different results are obtained for the combination in different houses however if benefic planets are present with this combination or this combination is aspected by benefic planets the results are auspicious as the inauspiciousness decreases.
In different houses this combination gives different results as follows
1. If Rahu and Jupiter combine in 8th house, the native suffers from colic pains or he may suffer from the injuries near the naval. These injuries are likely to give life long scars.
2. If Rahu and Jupiter combine in 9th house and Saturn is in the 3rd house (with Ketu), the native may be an illegitimate child.
3. If Jupiter is in the 10th house, Rahu is in the 6th house and Venus is in the 2nd house, the native becomes very wealthy even after being born in an ordinary family.
4. If there is a benefic aspect on the conjunction of Jupiter and Rahu (or Ketu), the native is inclined towards religion and respects religious people.
5. If Jupiter and Rahu are conjunct in the fourth house and there is a benefic aspect on them, the person is very religious wealthy and may be a lawyer.
6. if there is an auspicious sign in the ascendant (I think it means the sign of a naturally benefic planet) and the moon is also posited in an auspicious sign and the conjunction of Jupiter and Rahu takes place in 5th or 9th house, the native is very learned, wealthy, progressive and respected person.
7. In Capricorn ascendant, if Jupiter and Rahu combine in the 9th house the native is a very rich person. He is much respected and has all the facilities at his disposal.
8. Jupiter Rahu combination in the 3rd house makes the person very courageous and if this combination is aspected by Mars, the courage knows no bounds.
9. Jupiter Rahu (or Ketu) combination in the 6th house and aspect of Mars on it, makes the person extremely critical of his own religion. In fact he criticizes the wrong in his religion.
On the whole this is not considered a good yoga. The person may have some sort of enmity towards his son. I have come across a number of charts with this combination; it is my personal observation that these people have a peculiar way of thinking. They have their own views about various things (in fact about almost everything under the sun), which may not be correct but the natives are very rigid about them. Simply put in Hindi the native hamesha ulta sochta hai.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Dhana Yogas

Every person in this earth barring a few saints all want wealth. This is because wealth brings social security, enjoyments and all comforts of this world. It is seen that maximum number of people are poor or earn just sufficient to make a decent living. In fact the rich of the world are listed. This fact alone is enough to show how few people are really rich.
So we can classify the humanity in different groups such as: -
Enormously Rich, Very rich, rich, well to do, upper Middle class, Middle class, Poor, Very poor and extremely poor.
It is not that people do not put in sufficient efforts to acquire wealth. Where wealth is concerned no occupation is taboo to the human being. He can adopt honest straightforward means for making money or adopt nefarious ways of crime. The Karmic effects of the past of an individual for acquiring wealth are reflected in the horoscope by Dhana yogas or absence of them.
Bhava houses 2, 6, 10 are primary and 7 and 11 are secondary for Dhana yoga considerations. 2nd House in a horoscope signifies self generated wealth, 6th through loans, and 10th through employment. If the 2nd is strong money comes by inheritance and investment.
If 6th is stronger than 2 and 10 money comes as interest on lending. If 12th becomes very strong the native borrows but never repays fully there by always in debt. If 10th is stronger than 2 and 6 the native can make money at all times through various means.
The Dhana karakas or significators of wealth are Sun and Jupiter. So to begin with the simple rule is that both Jupiter and Sun should be well placed in the horoscope to be wealthy.
Another important rule is that "SUN'S ARCH RIVAL SATURN SHOULD NOT BE IN THE 2ND HOUSE OR ASPECT 2ND OR ASSOCIATE WITH THE 2ND LORD FROM THE LAGNA AND THE MOON." This is a must condition for dhan yoga.
1) If the lord of the ascendant is in 10th House the native will be richer than his parents.
2) The same will apply if 10th lord is in the ascendant.
3) If Jupiter is placed in 9 or 11th and Sun in the 5th the native becomes rich.
4) Mutual exchange of Houses of 2nd and the 9th lord (except Saturn) makes a person rich.
5) Sun in 6th or 11th the person becomes rich. Particularly so when Sun is in Rahu star and Rahu in Sun's Star.
6) 2nd lord in 8th a person becomes rich by self-efforts.
7) If Moon and Jupiter or Moon and Venus be in 5th the person becomes rich
8) If Mercury happens to be in Aries or Cancer the person becomes rich.
9) If 7th house has Mars or Saturn and 11th house has any planet other than Ketu the person will earn huge wealth by doing business. If Ketu is in the 11th he will earn through foreign agency
10) If the 7th house has either Mars or Saturn and the 11100th house has Saturn or mars or Rahu the person earns wealth by sports, Gambling, Commissions, rent lawyer's fees etc
11) Mars in 4th Sun in 5th Or Jupiter in 11th or 5th, earning will be through ancestral properties, crops, or building, which will increase.
12) Saturn in 4th identical with Libra, Capricorn or Aquarius the native will earn through Numbers ( accountants, statisticians, mathematician etc)
13) If Mars, Jupiter and Moon join Cancer for a cancer native he becomes very rich through employment resource and divine grace.
14) If Rahu, Saturn, or Mars or Sun in the 11th the native becomes rich gradually.
15) If quadrant or trinal houses are occupied by Jupiter, Venus, Moon, Mercury or houses 3, 6, 11 by Sun, Rahu, Mars, Saturn the native will become exceedingly rich during dasas of Rahu/mercury/Saturn /Venus.
16) If all Kendras are occupied by planets OR All trines are occupied by benefics OR All "oopachayas" (3,6, 11) occupied by Malefic The native becomes exceedingly rich
17) Benefic planets or 10th lord in Taurus or Libra and Venus or lord of 7th in 10th the native will become rich by marriage or through wife's earnings.
18) JUPITER IN CANCER , Sagittarius, or Pisces, and 5th lord in 10th the person becomes rich through son/daughter.
19) Mercury + Jupiter + Venus in any house, earning by religious means (purohit, Pundit, Astrologer, Preacher, Head of religious institutions etc).
20) Mercury +Venus + Saturn in any House, the person will earn by business leadership
21). Jupiter in 10/11 and Sun/Mercury in 4/5 or vice versa, native becomes rich by Good administrative manipulations
22) Lords of 6,8,12 join 6, 8, or 12 or 11th the native becomes suddenly rich

Varga chart interpretation

Although ancient astrological texts mention how to work out the divisional charts and importance of their study, nowhere is an integrated approach for study of the divisional charts available. Solitary principles (sutras) indicating that if a particular planet is in a particular sign in a particular divisional chart then the results would be so and so, find place in the text and commentaries of ancient astrological writers. These texts and commentaries are suffering from both omissions and interpolations because of the absence of recording facilities in ancient times. Therefore, we have to be careful in adopting only such classical principles, which have stood the test of time. These classical principles have to be read in conjunction with one another and not in isolation.

1. First of all, the birth-data should be correct for study of any divisional chart. In D-charts we take into account the analysis of position changing with a difference of even one minute in the time of birth.

2. As there is every possibility of some amount of error in recording the time of birth even in cases where utmost care has been taken to record the correct time of birth, it is imperative that divisional analysis is taken up only up to (D-XII). For divisional analysis beyond (D-XII) only the position of lord of the corresponding houses and the natural significator planets should be considered in the concerned D charts. The ascendant as well as its lord in the divisional charts beyond D-XII could prove to be unreliable.

3. The longitudes of ascendant and planets should be correctly worked out along with divisional charts.

4. The study of the divisional charts should be taken up along with the main chart. The divisional charts are used for trying the strength of the planets. In the divisional charts the strength of the following is studied:(i) the lord of the house of a particular significations in D-I;(ii) the significator of the particular aspect of life; and(iii) the lord of the ascendant of the concerned divisional chart if it contains an MT sign is examined.

5. A planet that is weak on account of debilitation or for that matter on any other account in D-I until and unless strengthened, during the course of its sub-periods, would hardly be of any help to the significations of its concerned divisional charts.

6. A natal planet that is weak due to combustion lacks power to protect or promote the houses and significations ruled by it.

7. Whenever the slow moving malefics in transit come in degree conjunction with the natal position of planets or the most effective point of ascendant and other houses in D-I they cause prolonged stress signified by the houses involved or the planets.

8. Occupation of the ascendant of divisional chart by the nodes or the eighth lord of the D-chart in case a moolatrikona sign is rising in the D-chart ascendant creates stress for the significations of the D-chart. The good placement in D-chart of the lord of the relevant house of D-I and significator helps in promoting the significations of the D-chart. The bad placement of the lord(s) of the relevant house(s) of D-I and significator of the particular aspect of life in D-chart causees stress regarding the significations of the D-chart.

9. The strength of planets in rasi chart should be given due consideration.

10. The planets influencing the ascendant, angles and trines of D-charts and with the significator by conjunction/aspect touch the significations of the concerned divisional charts in their sub-periods.

11 Occupation of angles/trines by nodes in D-charts do not bless the native with good results in the relevant fields.

12. Any planet which is exalted in Rasi chart and debilitated in the D-chart will give ordinary results.

13. For timing specific events, the strength of the lord of the sub-period is examined in the birth chart, D-chart, and transit. The relationship of the sub-period lord with the main period lord and its strength in D-chart is of paramount importance.

14. When both the lords of the main period and sub-period are functional malefics, they denote destruction and loss in contrast to the benefics, which do no harm and promote their significations.

15. The functional malefic lord of a house if closely related with another functional malefic planet and is placed in inauspicious houses, produces tension in its own sub-period and sub-periods of other malefics in its own main-period.

16. The transit influences are considered only in D-I.

17. The planetary aspects are considered in the D-charts.

18. Those planets, which are placed in the malefic houses in a D chart, also turn weak but this weakness is milder than the weakness of planets placed in the malefic houses of D-I. This weakness is considered only for the significations of the relevant D-chart only.

19. If a planet is a functional benefic in D-I but turns out to be a functional malefic for the D Chart, its malefic impact would be limited to the respective D Chart only. The influence would be applicable only in a milder way in case it is influencing the ascendant or the fourth house of the D Chart.


There has been a controversy whether the varga charts should be read independently or as a supplement to the main chart. Some opine that the divisional charts could only supplement what was shown in the basic chart and that the intensity of benefic and malefic results pertaining to any particular D-chart depends upon the strength or weakness of the planets in D-I. However, some others advocate that the divisional charts should be read independently. The study of various charts together with their divisional charts shows that divisional charts have to be read only as a supplement to the birth charts. The rasi charts and the divisional charts are inter-related and have to be read in conjunction with each other. The apparent strength acquired by the planets by being in own mooltrikona sign or by being in exaltation in the birth chart may produce ordinary or negative result if these occupy the debilitated sign in divisional charts or are afflicted in the divisional charts. As against this, the weakness of planets due to debilitation, combustion, etc., in the zodiac at any given time cannot be made good even if they occupy exalted amsa in any particular divisional chart. This is as per the views of the propounder of Astrology, Maharishi Parashara. We can safely infer that the natal weakness of planets cannot be made up even by joining benefic houses in divisional charts, or by not being debilitated there, or by obtaining maximum benefic points in Ashtakavarga. As our stress is to make the study of astrology scientific, we have to test each and every dictum provided to us by classical works in our laboratory, I mean, sufficient number of charts are to be analysed for empirical studies. The weakness of planets arising due to the sources of weakness mentioned in chapter 2, until and unless strengthened, is permanent. If the combust planet becomes the lord of the ascendant of the divisional chart, the significations of the division concerned suffer further. For timing the events, the sub-period of a strong planet or a strengthened planet, which is auspiciously placed in the divisional chart, with reference to the ascendant of the divisional chart, should be selected. The weakness or affliction should be guarded by using astrological remedial measures. In D-charts, the close conjunction/aspect of the D-chart functional benefics with the ascendant, relevant significators and trines regarding the ascendant boost the significations of the divisional charts. The D-chart functional malefics in such a state damage the significations, in their sub-periods. Needless to emphasize the importance and necessity of studying the divisional charts as it helps us in accurately analysing the horoscope to meet the requirements of complexities in modern life. For progress, each and every step in life has to be planned ahead from the very beginning. The questions astrologers have to face are specific in nature for the specified time, which can only be answered after due consideration of the divisional charts. Quite often we come across horoscopes where rasi charts promise a good future in some particular sector, yet the results may be totally different. I am citing also a few charts which show that the study of rasi chart and divisional charts is inter-dependent. Sometimes, the natives suffered because of weak combinations in the birth chart, itself, of sometime due to planetary strengths and afflictions emerging in the D-charts. However, as indicated earlier, the divisional charts have to be read always as a supplement to the birth charts.


For timing the events, the sub-period of a planet which is auspiciously placed in the divisional chart, with reference to the ascendant of the divisional chart should be selected. The weakness or affliction should be guarded by using astrological remedial measures.The close conjunction/aspect of benefics with the ascendant, relevant significators and their trines in the divisional charts boost the significations of the divisional charts whereas malefics in such a state destroy the significations, in their main/sub-periods.Needless to emphasize the importance and necessity of study of divisional charts as it helps us in accurately analyzing the horoscope to meet the requirements of complexities in modern life. For progress each and every step in life has to be planned ahead from the very beginning. The questions astrologers have to face are specific in nature for the specified time, which can only be answered after due consideration of the divisional charts. Quite often we come across horoscopes where rasi charts promise a very good future in some particular sector, yet the results may be totally different. I am citing a few charts, which clearly show that although the divisional charts do not show problem for relevant significations, ruled by them, the natives suffered because of weak combinations in the birth chart, itself. However, as indicated earlier the divisional charts have to be read as a supplement to the birth charts.

Diseases indicated by afflicted planets

SUN:- Sickness caused by the displacement of bile. Fevers arising from excessive heat, general weakness, heart diseases, stomach troubles, eye diseases, skin ruptures, gonorrhoea, wounds, burns, fits, falls, troubles arising from poison.
MOON:- Lethargy, sleepiness, indolence, diseases arising from excited kapha (Phelgm), dysentery, fevers arising from acute cold, boils, taste-lessness and indigestion, jaundice, mental debility, illness from impurity of blood, accidents in water, attacks by animals with horns and by aquatic creatures.
MARS:- Thirst, impurity of blood and diseases arising there from, jaundice, fever, troubles from fire, weapons and poison; leprosy; eye troubles, fits of all kinds, diseases of marrow, beri-beri, itches and boils, diseases of the head.
MERCURY:- Aberration of mind; diseases of eyes, neck and nose, fever arising from the derangement of Vata (Air), Pitta and Kapha (Phlegm): skin diseases; white leprosy, itches and boils, falls from heights, poisoning and general debility.
JUPITER:- Gastric and Gas troubles, fever, morbidness, diseases arising from vitiated phlegm, ailments of ears, fainting, insensibility, diabetes, accidents from aeroplanes.
VENUS:- While leprosy, diseases arising from Vata and Kapha and from inordinate sexual connections, eye troubles, diabetes, urinary and venereal diseases, Gonorrhoea, leanness, lethargy, facial ailments, swellings and general weakness.
SATURN:- Rheumatic troubles of all kinds, diseases of the feet and stomach, morbidness, gastric and phlegmatic troubles, bruises from stones and trees and gaseous ailments.
RAHU:- Weakness and sickness of heart, leprosy, diseases due to poisoning, ailments of feet and all troubles difficult for diagnosing.
KETU:- Cuts, wounds, ulcers, burns and those & listed under RAHU.

How to predict love marriage in one's chart

To Find Love Marrige in Horoscope we must see following things in the Horoscope,
1. 2nd (Family), 5th (Romance) and 7th (Life Partner) House mainly.
2. Planets like, Moon, Venus and Mars mainly. Important support of Uranus and Neptune is also important but they play important role of creating situation in the course of reaction.
3. Union, 1-5 or 1-7 relations between Mars-Venus, Moon-Venus, Venus-Uranus, Venus-Neptune are strong Yogas which show Love Marriage. There existence in any House will show the Effects.
4. If abovesaid Combinations are happening in 2nd, 5th and 7th House then chances are greater. 5. Uranus creates more Attraction with Venus while Neptune brings Mystery or Secret Part. In both Planet related cases Marriage happens after much problems, mainly from the Families.
6. Saturn or Rahu brings delays or may create Love Affair with Elderly Person, Height/Built Problem, Handicapped, Blind, Caste/Religion Differences etc causing very odd Couples.
Kantaka Sani means Saturn behaving like a thorn in the leg and the person has to limp in all activities of life. Profession/Career is hampered and finances dwindle. The transit of Saturn in the 1st, 4th, 8th and 10th signs either from Lagna, Arudha Lagna or the Moon sign cause Kantaka Sani to operate.
When it happens:
1) With respect to Lagna, the person makes wrong decisions and suffer due to that Lagna is our intelligence, our Dhi.
2) With respect to the AL, the career and finances are greatly affected because Arudha lagna is shoving how society perceiving us. It is like reaction toward the world, how you surround with the world.
3) From Chandra, the person suffers physically and emotionally because Chandra is our Manas and also represents the Sharira (body).
When Shani is placed on Lagna, he is in Marana Karaka Sthana and it will destroy person’s intelligence. When he transit forth house the cure will be denied because the fourth house is the house of healing. Shani in eight houses couses lot of transformation of the body. It is good for the healt. During that time is horrible, but after is very good. It is like in story about Kurma Avatara and the time when Devas are turning of the ocean. That is what’s happend when Shani trasits eight house. Lot of poison will come up but Amrita will also came in the end. So when Shani is in eight house it couses all this problem in the body, and if the body if not strong person could die during that time. From there he aspects second house cousing bad food come into the body and a person eating wrongly and it is aspecitng fifth house, person is doing wrong mantras and he aspects the tenth house, that is what is Kantak Shani. It is when he aspects tenth house. Then the persons Karma yoga is destroyed. That is why it is worst transit. It is damaging all these other places and damaging the Karma yoga.

Effects of retrograde saturn

A retrograde Saturn in a chart, regardless of where you find it, always represents the neglect of responsibilities in the past. In many ways, it indicates that the native of the chart must be more honest with himself since there was an avoidance of true self-awareness and self honesty. Also, with a retrograde Saturn, the native comes into this life with a tendency to have the same goals that he had before, for these were not fulfilled in the past because of the avoidance of responsibilities. Therefore, the identical goals will be present, sometimes clothed in different circumstances or different situations, but the same goals would be the underlying foundation, regardless, in the circumstances and situations inthe person’s life. Always, a retrograde Saturn in a chart indicates that, in a past lifetime, the individual crystallized-did not grow. The responsibilities that were ignored or avoided in the past are involved with the qualities of the sign in which the retrograde Saturn is located in this lifetime. For example – a retrograde Saturn in Leo shows that the individual avoided the responsibility of leadership in the past, and with the Sun as the ruling planet of Leo, the individual made no attempt to bring out the soul quality or soul consciousness in the past. Another example of this would be a retrograde Saturn in Cancer. Since Cancer is the “feeling” sign of the Zodiac, it shows the avoidance of true “feeling” concepts in the past.
First House: Retrograde Saturn in the 1st house shows that the individual, in the past, did not develop a flexible personality, was set in his ways, self-opinionated, and, according to the sign, had an ego problem. The responsibility of developing that ego was neglected, or the personality was developed along negative lines. It also indicates that the individual avoided the development of talents which were part of his character and personality. The lesson to be learned, with retrograde Saturn in the 1st house, is the proper development of personality in such a way that the individual receives the respect of others. It tells that the individual should establish proper values, goals and direction in life. The tendency to be too sober, too serious, too contemplative, should be balanced with a good sense of humour and a flexibility in adjusting to diversified situations and experiences in life that would be encountered.
Second House: This shows the individual was much too materialistic in the past, placing emphasis solely upon material security, material possessions. It indicates that the values were self-centred, with little regard as to how the material aspects in life could be used for the benefit of others. There was little true appreciation of the wise use of money and “things.” There are several questions that arise with retrograde Saturn in the 2nd house. Can the native of the chart accept poverty and privation without losing a sense of perspective about life itself? Can the native of the chart assume a code of values which are non-materialistic? Since the retrograde Saturn opposes the 8th house, the answers to these two questions could easily reside in emphasizing the qualities of the 8th house, such as regeneration, metaphysics, etc. The lesson of retrograde Saturn in the 2nd house: Despite denials, limitations, disappointments, more effort will have to be expended in order for the native to accumulate any degree of an estate or material security. It requires that the individual establish correct values where these things are concerned. Even if the individual does exert effort and re-align his values, the material possessions and security will not come easily, but they can, depending upon the sincerity and the effort exerted by the native of the chart.
Third House: There was undoubtedly an avoidance of responsibility where brothers and sisters were concerned. It also shows that the individual did not use educational opportunities to the best advantage for self-development and for proper mental attitudes. In communicating with others, the person displayed saturnine qualities (cold, gloomy, moody). The lesson of retrograde Saturn in the 3rd house shows responsibilities where brothers and sisters are concerned. The individual should never ignore the mental, or economic, or spiritual lack where siblings and/or other relatives are concerned. The present life will, in all probability, the characterized by consistent needs on the part of these family members and other relatives. Whether this need requires monetary assistance, mental stimulation, or spiritual counselling, the condition of Saturn in the 3rd house means the acceptance by the native of the responsibilities in these areas. The attitude and manner in which the person communicates with others, orally or in writing, and in assisting in the afore-mentioned areas of responsibility, will determine how the retrograde condition can be transmuted.
Fourth House: Similar to the condition of retrograde Saturn in the 1st house, in one aspect, it deals with the failure on the part of the native of the chart to develop himself in such a way that his influence upon others was more positive. Since all who come within our sphere or our personal environment are influenced by us, our attitudes, our personality, the retrograde Saturn indicates the negative influence of the individual in the past. It could also mean that the individual did not attempt, nor was concerned with, how he affected other people. Since Cancer is the natural ruler of the 4th house, the “feeling” concept was misused or neglected in the past. The other aspect of retrograde Saturn in the 4th house is that the individual did not provide the necessary environmental factors requisite to a proper home condition. This could have been actual home facilities or the home atmosphere itself. The lesson of retrograde Saturn in the 5th house requires the transmutation of attitudes relating to how we influence and affect those who are in contact with us and how we communicate the proper feelings in our daily relationships. Regardless of the struggle or effort required, the individual should, and must establish proper home facilities and create a constructive atmosphere in the home.
Fifth House: Retrograde Saturn in the 5th house shows responsibilities towards children were neglected. Children were misused, even to the point of being abused. In love affairs, the individual used members of the opposite sex for self-gratification and self-fulfilment (physical) with little regard to the results or effects upon others. Creativity was also ignored or misused because of the ego-centeredness of the individual. Anything the individual created in the past reflected “self” rather than being for the sake of creativeness or for what was being created. The lesson of retrograde Saturn in the 5th house : Usually children are denied to people who have retrograde Saturn in the 5th house, or the number of children limited. If children are denied, the individual could very easily engage in some fact of work which would deal with children – especially handicapped children. If children are limited, it would require the wise rearing of these children, the assumption of the responsibility of proper guidance and proper direction given to these children. The person might also have to accept the fact that, regardless of what he does, there might not be the appreciation or any hope for reward from his children. In relation to the affairs with the opposite sex, it requires caution and a realization of the responsibility an individual has when it comes to any relationship with the opposite sex, whether it be physical, social, mental, or spiritual. Creativity should be for the sake of creation itself, rather than how it would reflect the individual.
Sixth House: This location of a retrograde Saturn shows the avoidance of the responsibility of awareness where the general public would be concerned. As the natural ruler of Capricorn, it shows that the individual, in the past, remained aloof from the needs or the wants of the general public and was not able to identify himself with or to relate to the social trends of mankind, whether these trends were political, social, economic, or spiritual. There was a great deal of discrimination where service was concerned. Any service rendered in the past was done from the viewpoint of how much prestige it would bring to the individual. These attitudes were also carried over into the working conditions in the past – relationships with co-workers or those who worked under the individual. General health observances were ignored or neglected, or good health misused. The lesson of retrograde Saturn in the 6th house : Unselfish service to mankind without hope for the proverbial “pat on the back” for a job well done; service should be rendered wherever the need as shown or requested of the individual; patience and understanding should be developed where the public is concerned and with all those involved with the individual in his working environment. Wise use of good health and the observance of general health conditions are basic requirements for the retrograde Saturn in the 6th house.
Seventh House: In the past the individual did not assume the responsibility of partnerships. If the partnership were in the form of marriage, the individual (according to aspects) could have been unfaithful, could have been lacking in true love, or could have been improvident. In a business partnership, the responsibilities could easily have been left up to the other partner, or neglected, or misused. The misuse, in a business partnership, could have centered around material self-advancement at the expense of the partner, which could have tended towards dishonesty. The lesson of a retrograde Saturn in the 7th house: The assumption of responsibilities in marriage, by being faithful, by being a good provider, or a wise manager, by providing a solid, lasting foundation in the relationship of marriage. In business partnerships, it means the individual has to carry his share of the work load, and the responsibilities, and must be sincere and honest where any partner would be concerned.
Eighth House: This shows that, in past lives, the individual has been exposed to metaphysical teaching, higher truth learnings, astrology, etc., but neglected to pursue them to the greatest degree possible or, having gained the knowledge could easily have misused this. Hence, the misuse could have concerned itself with establishing groups with a negative cast where motives and functions are concerned, such as witchcraft, development circles, lower forms of mediumship. It shows that the individual also refused to recognize the negative effects resulting from how he ended a friendship, a job, a project, etc. In most cases, the individual was his own worst enemy in how any one of these things was concluded. In a very subtle way, there was an underlying fear of death or fear of the unknown. The lesson of retrograde Saturn in the 8th house demands a true search for Truth, an application of metaphysical principles to daily life, which would also be connected with the manner in which the individual concluded a friendship, a job, or a project. The person has to accept the fact that a change of values must be accomplished in order to develop spirituality. It shows, too, that there must be a wise choice of involvement with groups which would be studying or practicing metaphysical techniques. Through all of this, the person’s perspective on life and death will alter for the better. The essence of the lesson, of the 8th house location of retrograde Saturn revolves around the proper assumption of the responsibilities of truth and the application of truth.
Ninth House: Retrograde Saturn here shows that the person in the past, did not use properly, or avoided, the responsibility of a philosophy of life which would be constructive. There would also be a very strong karma connected to religious outlooks and the religious practices of the individual. Both the religious problems and the philosophical problem could be inter related. The individual could have been very dogmatic in his religious approach, with little regard for the opinions of other. Religious persecution could easily have been one of the activities of this individual in the past, which could have been characterized by violence and cruelty towards those who did not believe according to his way of thinking. This narrowness in the past also conditioned the educational pursuits of the individual, who limited his studies to just what he was interested in, or to those subjects which were supportive of his own narrow concepts. This is a self-imposed limitation upon the higher mind and the Christ principle. The lesson of retrograde Saturn in the 9th house : Because of the misuse of knowledge, philosophy, religion, the person would experience conflicts and obstacles in the attainment of education, in locating a philosophy of life with which he would feel comfortable, in being able to resolve a conflict within himself where orthodoxy would be concerned. Therefore, this is the responsibility of the individual with retrograde Saturn in the 9th house. He must seek true knowledge through the higher mind coupling this knowledge with true understanding (Christ principle). He must learn the value of all religions to all people and learn to respect that which other people find comforting and spiritual for them.
Tenth House : If the retrograde Saturn is in Cancer (representing “feeling”), it would show the avoidance of true feeling concepts in the past. It showed that the individual did not interject the warmth of personality into his job. He was cold in his profession, for the occupation merely represented a means of security. It also showed a degree of price that existed in being and feeling superior to m ost people. There was a perfectionist aspect also which was a stumbling block. Since the 10th house represents a power house, the retrograde Saturn implies that power and the responsibilities of power were misused in the past. This also depends on the sign on the cusp and, if Pisces were on the cusp of that 10th house, the individual did not assume the responsibility of power. Rather, he let others manipulate the authority, with little regard as to whether or not it was being used properly. The development of responsibility, consideration for others, the establishment of working values and habits – all are involved in the lesson of retrograde Saturn in the 10th house. Advancement will be slow, but could be steady, depending upon the sincerity and the effort and the motives behind the desire to be in possession of authority. Motives are most important in the transmutation of retrograde Saturn in the 10th house.
Eleventh House: Here, again, we find that relationship with other, were not developed properly, nor did the individual associated with the right kind of people. By right people we are not implying being discriminative in a negative way. The retrograde condition of Saturn in the 11th house shows that, too often, the individual, in the past, associated with inferior types of people, or negative people. Thus, by surrounding himself with people less talented, less successful, less presentable, the native could then stand head and shoulders above his friends and, very probably, liked the flattery and basked in the attention and dependency of these friends.
Twelfth House: This location of Saturn, in its retrograde condition, centers around karma and the “inner person.” It clearly indicates that the individual, in past lifetimes ignored opportunities to work off karma and to develop himself spiritually. It made for the type of person who kept too much to himself and did not see himself in relationship to the world. Experiences garnered by a person’s projection into the activities of service to humanity, in general, offer a lawful channel through which karma can be mitigated. The retrograde Saturn in the 12thhouse shows that this was not the case : it infers that, in past lifetimes, the person was too conservative and tended to seclude himself from the problems of the world. The Zodiacal sign in which the retrograde Saturn is posited shows that those particular Zodiacal qualities were ignored or misused. Each individual has the obligation, through the cons of reincarnations, to develop and manifest the highest qualities of each sign, and thus the retrograde Saturn in the 12th house will always indicate that the native of the chart failed to develop the particular qualities of the sign on the cusp of the 12th house. The native of the chart also repressed soul development and soul qualities. The lesson of retrograde Saturn in the 12th house demands full participation with mundane affairs in some humanitarian efforts. It requires attention to spiritual development and the manifestation of the “inner” or soul qualities. Those who neglect the lesson of retrograde Saturn in the 12th house could easily be reliving past experiences and, unless the lesson is learned now, will relive this lifetime again.
Conclusion of Retrograde Saturn Relax a little: Take this time to review your situation and what you have been able to do with it (Saturn, by transit, is retrograde in motion – it is backing off from the conjunction, square or opposition of one of your birth planets, or it is retrograding into the sign it occupied before it entered this one). Whatever responsibilities you have been forced to assume, whatever realities you have had to face, it is time now to relax a little and look over what you have done. Have you actually faced the situation that needed definition? What have you done about it? Could you handle it better in some way? Now is the time to think about that because the retrograde movement of Saturn is giving you time to review your situation. This is not a complete respite because direct motion will resume sometime in the near future. Meanwhile, this period is best used to see what methods, what techniques, what applications of effort could be better employed to face the situation that is undergoing definition. Do you see now what has been happening ? The intelligence of the “system” (the skies under which you live) has been throwing pressure your way to get you to understand this part of your personality (this planet) this area of your attitudes towards life (this sign), this field of activities (this house of the chart), and this overall area of awareness (this quadrant) and what it needs to be defined, disciplined, or economised, in order that you can better move ahead. While the retrograde period lasts, it is giving you time to review exactly what has happened, how you have responded to it, and how you could better handle everything. The usual manifestation, when Saturn moves into retrograde motion, in a sign or in relation to a birth planet, is that the individual suddenly feels the pressure going away and he thinks, “Well, it is all over. I am free again” And that is precisely the most ridiculous reaction he could live out. Going forward with that attitude, he is certain to be thwarted and bewildered when Saturn resumes direct motion and the pressure comes back into effect; only then seeming (because he thought for a while it had gone) even more intense. Many individuals, during the retrograde period, feel so relieved of the pressure that they immediately resume the haphazard way in which they were going about thing before the transit began. That is certain to bring grief because the transit is not over. One is merely being given time to REVIEW the situation and see how he could discipline himself, define himself, or economise on his activities more effectively in this realm of himself. Do not dream, when the retrograde motion sets in that it is all over. Saturn is backing off the territory it has already covered but it is going to go right back over that territory as soon as direct motion resumes. In other words, something is going to be gone over twice in order to get it defined. And that is what you should be pondering. What is it that has been so difficult you are going to have two chances to handle it – and need those two chances. Saturn transits a planet that is retrograde at birth. This can mean one of several things. If it is a plant from Saturn inward to the Sun, then that “parts of the personality” does not work openly in the first place. It works through indirect psychic actions triggered by the unconscious. And the ability to define this part of the personality may not be in the hands of the conscious efforts of the individual at all. But tremendous, and often non-understandable pressures go on inside the individual – in there where others cannot see it or understand it. This individual (the one with the retrograde birth planetary position) can go through enormous turmoils inside that he really cannot explain to people outside. The difference between this transit, and of a planet that is direct at birth, is often simply this; the individual with the direct planet shows his pressures and pains to the world by speaking and agonising over them; the individual with the retrograde birth planet often goes through the same agonies without being able to communicate, in any sensible way, what is happening to him. He simply feels the pressure. He does not understand what it is about. Sometimes he feels so pressured that he makes lots of noises – but few of them coherently related to what is really happening inside him. For it is happening in there more than in outer terms. A retrograde planet represents a psychic process turned inward and not manageable, except with enormous effort, by the conscious ego. A direct planet (except for Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) represents a psychic process, or part of the personality, that is manageable by the ego consciousness (the Saturn framework of individual identity). The transit of a retrograde planet, then, often represents an unconscious process of definition that is managed not by the ego of the individual (by what the world taught him he is) but by the inner voices and inner strengths (what he is becoming despite society’s teaching). A retrograde URANUS, like a retrograde Mars is impatient and irritable. There could hardly be a less-auspicious augury of gains in speculation, or anything involving the matter of chance, than a retrograde Jupiter (ruler of good fortune), and a retrograde Saturn (old “Father restriction” himself) both in the 5th house (speculation), with retrograde Neptune (planet of deception) in the second (financial) house. Retrograde Saturn in Sagittarius was in adverse aspect to a man’s sun-sign, depleting his vitality. Retrograde Jupiter was in adverse aspect from Virgo ruling illness. His ruling planet Mercury, was retrograding dangerously close to the natal Pluto in Taurus. These three retrograde planets appeared to be holding him on earth. He had several sinking attacks from which his physician was sure he would not rally. But he did. On the day of death, Jupiter turned direct and Mercury was within a few hours of being direct. It was as though the forward motion of these two planets set his spirit free.

Effects of Retrograde Jupiter

In every chart, opportunities of natives are earmarked with planets and its functions, whether direct or retrograde. In the case of retrogression, the attitude of the native will alter, which shall be observed differently in different bhavas. Retrograde Jupiter will make the native re-do his imperfect past life time, when the ‘self’ lacked development. JUPITER, the benefic planet, is synonymous with generosity, good judgement, authority, legal matters, religion and money as well. A retrograde Jupiter will fashion itself as a self-expansion of unfulfilled achievements of the past birth; opportunity lost is being re-done in the current life. For an individual, it is to re-enact and attain self-development. Thus retrograde Jupiter in a natal chart indicates that the native lacked self-growth in the past life and he is to complete the process in the current life. An entire lifetime was wasted and now the native has to transmute the energy of retrograde Jupiter for self-development. Effects of retrograde Jupiter in various houses of the natal chart

1st House: The native shall be unrefined and unreliable; makes odd judgement; dishonest; irreligious and alcoholic. Lesson to be learnt: To develop self-awarness by retrospect know oneself and avoid self-deception.

2nd House: The native will foolishly spend his money and resources; will move around in gaudy attire; pseudo decorations etc. Lesson to be learnt: Re-evaluate the financial needs and devise plans for proper utility of money, material and men, if in business.

3rd House: Retrograde Jupiter in the 3rd will aspect the 9th bhava. Relationships with brothers and uncles will be wanting. Lack of tact, dignity, faith and communication skills. Lesson to be learnt: Try to realize oneself and work towards worthwhile goals.

4th House: Disturbed living environment, whether house or elsewhere; so also the state of mind, which is the seat of soul; lack of generosity and socializing nature. Lesson to be learnt: Develop compassion; avoid one-sided approach; identify the real needs and work towards them.

5th House: Lack or improper education or technical training; denial of progeny; inattentive, parents, avarice in sensual pleasure and lack of care of health. Lesson to be learnt: Develop compassion and proper involvement in matters of the opposite sex and children.

6th House: Unhappiness with colleagues and other associates; un healthy physique and bad habits. Lesson to be learnt: Be very cautious with health. Maintain good relationships with people in general, colleagues and relatives in particular.

7th House: Not faithful in business partnership, marriage and any contract; highly self-centred; involve only in personal gratification and promotion; loss in partnership venture. Lesson to be learnt: Be sincere and honest; do a fair play in all matters; balanced approach on personal gains.

8th House: There will be fear of the unknown death; improper handling of others money and affairs; poor judgement; poor taste; being one’s own enemy. Lesson to be learnt: Make a sincere search for truth; discriminate bad; perpetuate truths. Try to understand and accept the reality of death.

9th House: The native should have abused freedom in the past birth. He believes what he does is right and does not accept others’ views. He did not avail the opportunity for mental development in the past. Lesson to be learnt: Stress should be given for development of knowledge and philosophy of life. Gain practical wisdom.

10th House: There was frustration and disappointment in the preferred field in the past birth. Dishonour, irresponsibility, poor judgement, lack of dignity may be a few of impediments now. Lesson to be learnt: Learn to respect authority; remain dedicated in your career; give due regard for in your career; give due regard for order, procedure, law, etc.

11th House: Negative social activities in the past birth; alcoholism; immorality. Lesson to be learnt: Wise discrimination in choice of friends and associates; should develop good taste and discretion; maintain good moral standards.

12th House: Energy was misused in the past birth; wasteful activities, ‘I’ ‘me’ and ‘mine’ were over-emphasized; misdirected spiritual concept. Lesson to be learnt: Seek true spiritually, compassion and brotherhood. Assume personal responsibility.

Kuber sadhana for wealth

Dear All, Performing Day : Amavasya or any Sunday Time : Early Morning,, Before Sunrise Requirements : Yellow cloth or mat, Rice, Incense, Vermillon, Wooden table, Some fruits, Oil lamp, Crystal Rosary, Copper Kuber Yantra, Mango woods, Ghee, Havan or yagna platform. Lord Kuber is the Lord of all the treasures on earth and even rules over the riches buried and unclaimed inside the earth. Lord Kuber is worshipped and propitiated for quick financial gains, unexpected gain of money through lotteries etc and a prosperous business. Lord Kuber is the basis of gain of unlimited wealth and prosperity. According to ancient vedic books of Ramayan Kuber made the Gold Lanka, which was taken by his brother Ravan. All ancient texts encourage the use of Kuber Sadhana for the gain of wealth. There are three main benefits form Kuber Sadhana. Firstly, when Lord Kuber is pleased then bless the person with material success and wealth. Secondly the chances of coming into wealth unexpectedly and suddenly through lotteries etc increase.Thirdly no matter how much one spends money keeps flowing in provided the wealth is used for constructive purposes and not for destructive or antisocial activities Kuber Sadhana is short and Simple but its effects are amazing if one tries it with true belief and faith. One cane even try this ritual with one's spouse.
Sadhana Procedure
- Kuber Sadhana ritual shall be performed on Amavasya day (day preceding the moonless night) or a Sunday morning, before sunrise.
- One should take a bath and wear clean yellow clothes.
- Sit on a yellow mat or cloth facing north because North is the direction of Lord Kuber.
- Cover a wooden seat with yellow cloth
- Take a steel plate and draw a Swastik with Vermillon.
- Lite the lamp and incense
- On swastik, make a mound of rice grains .
- On the rice grains place a Kuber Yantra
- Around the Yantra place four fruits.
- Light a ghee lamp.
- Offer prayers to Lord Ganpati by chanting " Om Gam Ganpataye Namah " eleven times.
- Pray to your Guru or Lord Shiva (thinking of him as your Guru) for Success in the Sadhana.
- Chant the following meditating about the form of Lord Kuber. "Manuj Baahya Vimaanparisthitim Garud Ratna Nibham Nidhi Naayakm. Shiva Sakhaa Mukutaadi Vibhooshitam Var Gade Dahatam Bhaj Tundilam."
After this chant 8 rosary of the following mantra with a crystal rosary. "Om Yakshaay Kuberaay Dhan Dhaanyaadhipataye Akshaya Nidhi Samriddhim Me Dehi Daapay Swaahaa."
After chanting Eight mala of this mantra perform a Homa nad give 108 oblations with ghee in the Yagna fire each time chanting the above Mantra. After completion of all the procedural aspects of Kuber Sadhana, tie all worship articles except fruits in a yellow cloth and place it in your locker where you keep your money or valuables at home. It is beleived that if one tires this Sadhana on each Amavasya every month for a year then one attains to life long prosperity and affluence.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Free astrological readings

Dear friends,
For free astrological readings of native's birth chart, you all are requested to provide native's birth details, profession, education, other relevant details of the happenings in the past, details of the members of native's family and any other info which you think can be helpful in analysing the chart. The readings will be send to the email id provided by you within seven days of posting the query. So don't forget to mention you email-id. Also mention that whether the native is male or female.

Rajat Kapoor

Detailed analysis of the horoscope of Karl Marx

Birth Details :- Born on 15th May 1818 at about 2 am (LMT) Trier, Germany (Lat. 49N44 & 6E38)
Planetary Positions:-
Lagna Chart
Ascenant is Aquarius. 1st house has Saturn, 3rd house has Sun, Moon and Rahu, 4th house has Mercury and Venus, 6th house has Mars, 9th house has Ketu & 11th house has Jupiter.
Navamsa chart
Ascendant is Libra. 1st house has Jupiter, 2nd house has Sun and Moon, 6th house has Ketu and Venus, 7th house has Mercury, 8th house has Saturn, 10th house has Mars & 12th house has Rahu.
Balance of Venus Dasha at birth : Years 3-9-18
Special Features:-
The ascendant is Aquarius and the lord Saturn is situated in the ascendant. Both the ascendant and ascendant lord are powerfully aspected by Mars (lord of 3rd & 10th), who has just entered his sign of debilitation. These combinations gave him a robust constitution but the planet of vitality Sun being eclipsed by Rahu rendered him ruin his health through over-work. The navamsa lagna being hemmed between two malefics Sun and Rahu and also aspected by Mars, is again the proof of the struggles he must have gone in his early life. Lord of the house of the speech, Jupiter is situated in 11th house in his own sign, so was a good speaker. Venus is yogakaraka and is in own sign in the Taurus sign. This combination indicates that he was never in the habit of borrowing.
Saturn's presence in ascendant i.e. Aquarius, a mystic sign, is of almost significance and the great virtue of the horoscope hinges to a large extent upon the fact that the ascendant is occupied by its lord Saturn. Saturn in ascendant loses digbala but in this case, he gains sthanabala. As saturn is aspected with mars. No wonder therefore that though he was a zealous student and an adherent of hegelianism, his conception of the world is the Hegelian reversed.

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This blog is dedicated to my Guruji (Rajat), who has helped me learn a lot...... its a very small gesture of apprecialtion although my thankfullness cant be expressed in words!!!!!

By Rajshree (I am using his id but dont worry...from now on he will be using it :))