Wednesday, April 21, 2010


1. A planet shall give the results of the house it owns. For example, if a planet of fifth lord, then it will give progeny or power in its dasa.

2. A planet gives results (either good or bad) as per the functional significations as mentioned in the following guidelines:

* Whichever house the planet is placed in

* Whichever house the planet aspects

* Whichever house’s lord it is placed with

* Whichever house’s lord it aspects

During the dasa of a planet, the natural significance (naisargika karakatva) gains or suffers based on

whether the placement of the planet is auspicious or inauspicious.

The results will be auspicious if:

* The planet is placed in Exaltation, Mulatrikona, Own house, or friends house

* Placed with benefics/ friends

* Aspected by benefics

* Hemmed between benefics

The results will be inauspicious if:

* The planet is placed in debilitation, enemy sign

* Placed with malefics

* Aspected by malefics

* Hemmed between malefics

3. A planet is capable of giving results as per its functional or natural significations either in the dasa or antardasa or smaller periods. The functional significations are based on the lordship, placement and yogas this planet would have in the horoscope. The natural signification is based on what they signify naturally, such as Venus signifies marriage and relationship, Jupiter signifies progeny etc.

4. Normally a planet would not confer the result (either auspicious or inauspicious) in its own

antardasa. They do so in the antardasa of the planet associated with it. By association following

things are meant and should be taken into consideration:

* Conjunction

* Planet aspecting the dasa lord

* Planet having subha-argala on the dasa lord

* Planet exchanges position (either Rasi, Nakshatra or Navamsa) with the dasa lord

* Any planets who share the same dharma as of the dasa lord.

The following planets share the same dharma as of the dasa lord.

* All saumya grahas (Jupiter, Venus, well associated Mercury and strong Moon (in

paksha bala) have the same dharma.

* All papa grahas (Saturn, Mars, Sun, badly associated Mercury and weak Moon)have

the same dharma.

* Yoga karaka- The other planet involved in the yoga, leaving the yoga karaka under


Note: In all the cases, if the yoga is auspicious, then the auspicious results of the dasa lord is felt

and vice-versa, Thus the Maha dasa lord gives its results only in the antardasa which is suitable.

5. The dasa of the yoga karaka shall have following results in different Antar dasas:

* Antardasa of a related auspicious planet (yoga karaka or lord of trines), the results will be


* Antardasa of related yoga karaka, the results will be very auspicious.

* Antardasa of related functional malefic planet (lord of the trisadayas and the eighth), the

effect of the raja yoga would be extremely feeble.

* Antardasa of a related Marakesh, only minor results would be present.

* Antardasa of an unrelated auspicious planet, the results would be moderately auspicious.

* Antardasa of unrelated functional malefic planet or Marakesh, the results would be extremely inauspicious- however, some good results of the auspicious dasa lord shall also be felt.

6. During the antardasa of a functional malefic (planets suffering with kendradhipatya dosa or the

lords of the trisadaya or the eighth lord) planet, following results are felt:

* The antardasa of an unrelated functional benefic/ yoga karaka, the results would be


* The antardasa of a related functional benefic, the results would be inauspicious- lesser of

the inauspicious dasa lord and more of the auspicious antardasa lord.

* The antardasa of the neutral planet shall give inauspicious results

* The antardasa of related or unrelated functional malefic would be terrible- more so in the case of related planet

* The antardasa of functional benefic in dasa of a Marakesh, the person would not die, however the antardasa of an unrelated functional malefic can cause death.

* In the dasa of Kendra lord or Trikona lord, the results of different antardasa would be:

Ø If Kendra and Trikona lord are associated, then in the dasa of the Kendra lord, Trikona lord’s antardasa would be auspicious and vice- versa.

Ø If Kendra and the Trikona lords are not related, then in the dasa of Papa Kendra lord, the antar of Subha Trikona lord would be little auspicious, whereas the antar of papa Trikona lord would be inauspicious.

7. In addition, during the dasa of a Subha Kendra lord, the antar of a papa Trikona lord would be little auspicious and the antar of a subha Trikona lord, the results would be predominantly auspicious.

8. In the dasa of Papa Trikona lord, the antar of subha Kendra lord would be auspicious and antar of papa Kendra lord would be little auspicious (provided the Trikona lord is not eighth lord simultaneously).

9. In the dasa of Subha Trikona lord, the antar of subha Kendra lord would be auspicious and the

antar of the papa Kendra lord can be little auspicious, if it is associated with the Trikona lord.

If there is no association between them, then the antar would be predominantly inauspicious.

10. The results of Antardasa in Dasas of the Nodes:

* If the nodes are placed in Trikona, then the antar of the Kendra lords confer Raja yoga.

This is also true during the dasa of Kendra lord and antardasa of the nodes so placed in Trikona.

* Similarly if the nodes are placed in Kendra, the antar of the Trikona lords confer

Raja yoga. This is also true during the dasa of Trikona lord and antardasa of the nodes so

placed in Kendra

* If the nodes are placed in auspicious houses, then their antardasas in the dasa of a

yogakakara or during the antardasa of a yogakaraka in their (nodes) dasa, the results are

extremely auspicious

* If the nodes are associated with the 8th / 12th house/ lords, then their dasa/ antardasa

would be inauspicious.

11. According to Phaladeepika, the dasa of a planet becomes inauspicious, if they fall in a particular

sequence as mentioned below:

* Saturn’s dasa happens to be the 4th dasa

* Mars’s dasa happens to be the 5th dasa

* Jupiter’s dasa happens to be the 6th dasa

12. Dasa of planets placed in the Rasi Sandhi/ Gandanta is terrible to the house lorded by the planet

and the natural significations of the planet. The trouble would pass by in a malefic antar and would

be lesser during the benefic antar.

13. The dasa of sixth, eighth or twelfth is troublesome. The trouble is lesser if the lord is well placed

in exaltation, mulatrikona, own sign or friend’s sign and would be more, if badly placed in its

debilitation sign or enemy’s sign.

14. During the dasa of a planet, the native is endowed with the nature and complexion of the dasa

lord. The fiery planets would give brilliance, the watery planet would make one emotional and

compassionate, the earthy planets make one hard working and the air planet would make the

person thoughtful and philosophical. Along with this, the native would partake the guna of the

dasa lord. Thus during the Jupiter, Sun and Moon’s dasa the native becomes sattvik, during the

dasa of Venus and Mercury, the native becomes Rajasik and during the dasa of Mars and Saturn,

the native becomes tamasik. More effect of the guna of planets on the native can be learnt from

BPHS and Saravali.

15. The result of a planet going towards its exaltation increases as the dasa progresses and similarly,

the dasa of a planet diminishes with progress of the dasa, if the dasa lord is going towards its

debilitation (one sign behind the sign of debilitation).

16. Malefics give their results of its placement in a rasi during the first third part, the results of its

placement in a bhava in the middle third and the results of its aspect in the last third of the dasa.

Similarly, Benefics give their results of their bhava in the beginning third, the result of rasi in the

middle third and the aspects in the last third of the dasa.

17. When the dasa and the antar-dasa lords are placed in the 6th/ 8th or 12th from each other, these show enmity, physical troubles, troubles from unknown sources etc. If the antar lord is a friend to the dasa lord or the Lagna lord and well placed in the sign, then the trouble would be lessened. On the contrary, if the dasa- antar lords are badly placed and the antar lord is an enemy to the dasa lord and/ or the Lagna lord then the antar would be very troublesome.

18. During the dasa of a planet, the house where the antar lord is placed the results of that house

would be specifically felt. For example, if someone is running the dasa- antar of Sun- Moon; and

Moon is placed in the 5th house from the dasa lord, then the 5th house effect would be specifically experienced. The good or bad results to be experienced related to that bhava would be

based on whether or not the dasa and antar lords are well placed.

19. If the dasa lord is capable of giving both good and bad results (such as a planet becoming an

yogakaraka as well as maraca at the same time) by the virtue of its placement and yoga, then the

good results would be felt during the antar of planets beneficially disposed and the negative results

would be felt during to the antar of negatively disposed planets.

20. During the dasa of a planet, whichever house it transits from the Lagna, the result of that particular house would be specifically felt during such transit.

21. The results of the dasa are modified based on the transit of the dasa lords in different signs. If the dasa lord goes to an enemy’s sign or the sign of debilitation or the sign having lesser bindus (less

than 4) in the dasa lord’s astakavarga, or the sign having lesser bindus in the sarva-astakavarga and

in addition having transiting a malefic house (reckoned from Moon), then the effect would be extremely negative, if the dasa is of an evil planet or if it is of an auspicious planet, then its

auspiciousness would be greatly reduced.

22. On the contrary, if the dasa lord moves to its sign of exaltation/ mulatrikona/ own/ friend’s sign

and / or in a sign with high astakavarga in the dasa lord’s astakavarga, then the effect of the dasa

during that time would be extremely good if the dasa is of an auspicious planet or lesser

troublesome planet, or if the dasa is an evil dasa.

23. The effect of the dasa planet can be seen in different areas of life from the Divisional charts related to that particular area of life. To understand this, one needs to study the divisional charts and then intelligently apply the dasa rules in those charts.

24. In the mahadasa of a planet, the antar would be good if:

* The antar lord is a friend to the dasa lord.

* The antar lord is a friend to the lagna lord.

* The antar lord is well placed as reckoned from the dasa lord.

* The antar lord is related to the dasa lord.

* The antar lord is well placed as reckoned from the Moon.

25. The dasa of the 2nd and 7th lord from a bhava becomes the marakesh dasa for that bhava. If these planets are weak and afflicted then it would surely cause trouble to the significations of the bhava under consideration.

26. Similarly during the dasa of the 12th lord from a bhava, the native suffers from losses related the bhava under consideration.

27. During the dasa of the 8th lord from a bhava, the relations ruled by the concerned bhava suffers ill health, if the said planet is weakly placed and/ or afflicted.

The Kalatresh will tell about the fortune after marriage, as well as the fortune of the spouse. The Basic principles for house lords are given:


v Count the number of houses from the lord to its house, both inclusive. The number will signify those house matters the native finds fortune from. i.e. if the 7th lord is in the 2nd house, there will be 6 houses between the lord and the 7th – both inclusive, causing fortune through fights, legal battles etc, to the spouse, and the spouse may have remarried.

v The lord of a house shows the physical embodiment of the person. The 7th lord indicates the spouse’s physical body, which preferably is joined benefic planets/signs to give healthy stature, whilst malefics gives opposite results.

v The placement of the lord of the 7th house shows the person the native considers as a spouse/ lover, i.e. if 7th lord is in the 11th house, the native may fall in love with a friend.

v The lords of other houses, placed in the 7th house will show the people who consider the native as a lover. The more planets, the more lovers one may infer and more active sex life. In case of marriages breaking, the amount of planets in the 7th will show the amount of marriages whilst Mars alone in the 7th can cause 3 marriages.

Yogas with Kalatresh

Jata-Parastree Yoga Yogas for incestuous relations of the native.

v Lords of 1st, 6th and 2nd are with malefic’s, causes one to be sexually attached to one’s own kin.

v Saturn in 7th with 7th lord and aspected/joined by malefic’s, similarly also causes one to be desirous of one’s own kin.

v Moon or Venus in Kendra’s, aspected by malefic’s, whilst placed in a malefic Navamsa, and placed in an Avaroha9 sign in rasi, causes union with ones progenitor, i.e. mother.

Jara Yoga - Yogas for adultery:

v Vyabhichara Yoga – Rahu or Ketu joined the 7th lord, causes detachment to spouse or a person who discards marital vows.

v Jara Yoga – 7th, 2nd and 10th lords in the 10th house, causes one to seek a paramour or a 2nd spouse. The 10th house shows Swarga loka, or the heavens which the native is trying to enjoy through sexual relations, hence 7th lord in the 10th house is conducive to adultery. If the 2nd lord is absent from this Yoga the native may not marry the paramour, whilst if the 10th lord is absent the native will not be intent on having a paramour, yet may do so. This Yoga also happens if the same lords are in the 4th house.

Jaraputra Yoga Yogas for having children outside marriage:

v 7th lord in the 2nd house and aspected/joined Mars. In such a case the native gets children through a paramour. This is indicative of the native having a child with a potential 2nd wife.

v Similarly if the 5th and 6th lords are in the 7th with the 7th lord, whilst the 7th house is aspected by a benefic, the native also gets a child with a paramour. Here the important focus is on the 6th lord, as the house the 6th lord is placed in will show the person the native hates, and when 6th lord is in the 7th, the native hates the spouse. As a result the native may go to other women, as 5th lord’s involvement shows children through the paramour. Instead of the 7th house, this can also be posited in the 12th house or its Arudha (Upapada) to give the results.

v 7th, 6th and 5th lords in the 6th house, causes the spouse to have children through a paramour.

v Here the focus is on the 6th house, as planets in the 6th house, shows the natives enemies. If 7th lord is in the 6th house, the spouse hates the native, and may find pleasure in other men/women. 5th lords involvement would cause children through the paramour.

Ref : Visti Larsen's article on Marriage and Relationship in SJC USA Conference 2003.


Results of Kalatrabhava

The results of planets in the 7th house must be understood with the application of Argala. i.e. the 7th house will give primary Argala to the 4th, 6th and 9th houses from Lagna.
Hence Malefic’s in 7th may give sorrow to the person (4th house), give rise to fights and enmity (6th house), and may pull down the dharma of the native (9th). Also since malefic’s in the 3rd from any house, cause Vipareeta Argala, the expression of love will be very bold and daring.
• Sun in the 7th house, will give interest in a proud spouse, possibly interested in reading, and hence learned.
• Moon in the 7th will give interest in a fair and emotional spouse. The native will have a wandering mind and is constantly attracted to sex.
• Mars in the 7th house will give aggressive desires, and can cause interest in a short tempered and maybe even short-lived spouse. Saturn and Jupiter may remove the evil of such a placement and calm down the fire caused by Mars, otherwise 3 marriages could be the result. There is sorrow related to marriage, due to Mars’ Argala on the 4th house.
• Mercury in the 7th house gives interest in a young intelligent, talkative and artistic spouse, but may also cause promiscuous attitude towards the spouse and make the native go to other partners, unless Jupiter aspects. If Moon is in trines or aspects Mercury, then the weak morals are assured, whilst Saturn and Venus associated with Mercury can cause a barren spouse.
• Jupiter in the 7th house is very auspicious and the native has luck in choosing the right partners. The spouse is learned, intelligent and easily removes enmity and strife. There is fortune after marriage.
• Venus in the 7th house can give strange sexual appetites, and even association with prostitutes due to the rise of sensual desire. The wife is sensual, artistic and maybe strict about beauty and habits.
• Saturn in the 7th can give interest in an industrious spouse, however older than normally expected and will be detached.
• Rahu in 7th house will give enmity towards the spouse, who will be short tempered and have a liking for war and fights, and behave like an evil spirit (pisacha). Such a placement could cause liaisons with prostitutes as well, provided the 7th isn’t a benefic sign nor aspected by Jupiter.
• Ketu in 7th could cause disinterest in marriage, and even deny it. Marriage takes place with some difficulty, and feels like a curse to the native, just as Ganesh did not desire to marry.
Aspects by the planets are also to be reckoned to give the results.

Ref: Visti Larsen's article in SJC USA Conference 2003


Marriage and Relationship
1. Malefics in the 9th house brings misfortune to native and being in third from the 7th house, it can cause the spouse to become so brave in sexual matters as not to care social norms in the conduct of sexual activities. It is to be noted that the 3rd house indicates copulation and its symbol is a male and a female in copulation. Malefics in the house of Dharma (9th house) has been described by Sri Krsna as loss of dharma resulting in corruption of women.
2. Marriage is seen from Upapada Lagna (the Arudha pada of 12th house/UL). It shows the first marriage. The 7th house also shows the first marriage. Partners for sex are to be seen from Darapada (A7). If A7 is ill placed (6/8/12) from UL, physical relations with wife will either be negligible or absent. If A7 is in 3/11 from AL, there will be cordial physical relations with spouse. Same is the result if A7 is in Kendra or trines to AL.
3. Length of marital life is to be seen from UL. If it has strength, one may remain married for a long time. However, a couple’s physical relationship depends on A7.
4. If the 7th lord is in 2nd house, A7 comes to the 9th house indicating incestuous relations with elders like father figures, Gurus or boss etc.
5. Rahu and other malefic cause extra marital affairs in 2nd or 7th from UL. The UL or Venus in 12th from AL or Navamsa lagna respectively shows an attitude of rejection of the spouse. This could lead to extra-marital relations. A7 shows the sex drive and planets and signs involved to A7 show the possibility of contacts. If A7 is in 6/8/12 from AL or is connected with it, the sex drive may be there but it will be curtailed and difficult to materialize.
6. If UL and A7 are connected, a love partner could become a life partner. If UL is in 3/6/8/12 from AL as A7 is in a Kendra to AL, extra-marital relations could develop due to enemity/rejection of spouse.
7. Venus mainly controls sex drive. Jupiter can cause Venus’s exaltation and hence it promotes purity in sexual relationships. Venus becomes debilitated in the sign of Mercury (Virgo). Mercury tends to promote impurity in sexual matters. However, Mercury can cause cancellation, depending upon its influences.
Jupiter in trines to Navamsa lagna or Mercury promotes chastity while Moon in trines to Mercury tends to make a person unchaste and unfaithful. Mercury and Venus in Scorpio Navamsa (Moon gets debilitated in Scorpio) makes a person oversexed and totally free in sex.
8. Lagna represents ideals and principles of a person. Saturn and Ketu in Lagna without Venus in Rasi/Navamsa produce a fake spiritualist and can give uncontrolled lowly sexual habits. Mars and Venus influencing second from Navamsa Lagna gives excessive sex. Ketu in 2nd or influencing it in any manner curtails it.
9. If the Sun is the lord of A7, it gives a relationship before marriage.
10. A7 in seventh from AL shows the easy contact with the opposite sex. Second and seventh from UL shows cause for break in marriage.
11. Whenever Rahu becomes the chara darakaraka, it gives very sudden unconventional marriages especially if placed in the quadrants. Marriage can be a bad experience.

Timing the Marriage

The primary point is that the dasa planet in operation should have conjunction/aspect or unobstructed argala on the navamsa lagna or its lord or obstruct malefic argala to promote marriage. Similarly, the association of the antardasa planet with the 7th lord or to have unobstructed argala on it, is necessary. The pratyantar dasa will normally be of a planet in trines to the seventh house in the D-9 or one of the lords of Kama trikona.

1. If Upapada lord is exalted, spouse is from a high status and if debilitated, from a low status. If the lord of Upapada is in 12th house, the native may not marry at all.
2. The house of the spouse is seen from the lord of the seventh house from Venus. If this planet is in a fixed sign or navamsa, spouse is from the same town/region. If it is in a movable sign/amsa, spouse is from a distant land while if in a dual sign, spouse is from a land neither very far nor adjoining.
3. Planets placed in the 7th house or 12th house from UL shows strained relations with the particular member of the spouse’s family. Thus if the Sun is in the 12th house from Upapada Lagna, the father-in-law would either have expired before marriage or if alive strained relations occur. Similarly, if the Moon is in the seventh from UL, the mother-in-law will be very inimical and will make every effort to break the marriage.
4. Planets in ascendant, 3rd, 7th or 9th house give their yoga and other results late in life. Thus, if a Raja yoga is in the seventh house, the results will be late.
5. The ascendant of the spouse should preferably be the Upapada, its trines, 7th sign or the sign occupied by the 7th lord.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Loss of sigth


Shukra and Gaunapada (Arudha of twelfth house) aspected or conjoine by Rahu and Surya cause blindness (Jaimini Upadesa 1.3.42)

  • Some commentators interprets the Gaunapada as mantra-arudha or fifth house from arudha-lagna
  • Sanjay Rath interprets follows the popular interpretation ie. Gaunapada is Upapada


  • Venus should be influenced by Rahu (yuti or drsti) and this indicate eye disease
    • They should aspect Upapada or at least twelfth house or its lord
    • Rahu in twelfth house and Venus lording Upapada is partial condition
    • By drsti we understand its Rasi Drsti (aspect of the sign)
  • Upapada should be influenced by Surya (yuti or drsti) - this indicate very weak eyesigth
  • If two above are fulfilled blindness is sure to occur

In this chart, 12th house is Cancer and so the Upapada is in Taurus.

Surya and Upapada

Surya being in twelfth house is the clear prediction for the problems with the sigth and Rahu is in the 12th house and Venus is the lord of the Upapada. Rahu and Surya both are aspecting UL by Rashi drsti. This completes both the conditions for blindness.