Friday, April 16, 2010


Main Karakas

Bhava karakas



























Ø Sun

First house: soul, health, spirituality, head

Second house: resources

Fifth house: para vidya (spiritual knowledge)

Ninth house: faith, father, dharma, prospectus of marriage

Tenth house: eyesight, kingship/rajya yoga

Ø Moon

First house: disposition, body

Second house: family, lineage, face

Fourth house: home, birth place, mother, emotions, doctors

Fifth house: strength of mantra

Seventh house: desires of the heart

Twelfth house: recovery from diseases

Ø Mars

First house: strength

Third house: sense of timing, fighting skills, reflexes, siblings

Fourth house: land

Fifth house: authority

Sixth house: enemity, battles, accidents/bruises, ulcers, cuts

Ø Mercury

Second house: Speech

Third house: communication skills

Fourth house: education

Fifth house: students

Seventh house: business partners, sense of discrimination

Tenth house: career

Eleventh house: friends and social circle

Ø Jupiter

First house: sense of awareness, wisdom

Second house: wealth and sustenance

Fourth house: happiness (sukha) and satisfaction

Fifth house: children and memory

Ninth house: teachers, especially the spiritual guide/priest, luck

Eleventh house: gains

Ø Venus

First house: physical beauty

Second house: eyeballs

Fourth house: cars, chairs, sofas and other comforts

Fifth house: love affairs and romance

Seventh house: spouse or partner

Twelfth house: sleep comfort

Ø Saturn

Fourth house: sorrow or dukha

Sixth house: weaknesses, ailments, strife

Eighth house: diseases, financial debts/poverty, longevity

Tenth house: workload

Twelfth house: expenses or that, which causes loss

Ø Rahu

First house: ego

Seventh house: rebirth

Ninth house: misfortune/adharma

Twelfth house: foreign residence or travel, bondage and imprisonment

Ø Ketu

Fourth house: buildings, flats

Twelfth house: Samadhi, nirvana, moksa, liberation

Judging the Karaka

The three viz.: house, lord and karaka form the most important aspect of the chart. If all three are weak or afflicted, only then we can say that a particular area of life is ruined in the native’s life.

The relationship between the lord and the karaka will show the native’s interaction with others.

v Count from the lord to the significator to know what the native has to do.

v Count from the significator to the lord to know what the native can aspect.

Example: If when judging a relationship, the seventh lord and Venus are in trines to each other, then the interaction is a give (fifth) and take (ninth) relationship, which is very healthy, as the roles are defined. Instead, if the seventh lord and Venus are in sixth/eighth from each other, then a lot of misunderstanding can occur between the native and their partner.

The relationship between the karaka and the house will show the native’s luck.

v Count from the significator to the house to know the native’s attitude.

v Count from the house to the significator to know the fortune.

Example: If the Sun is in the eighth house from the lagna, the native will have a very wrong attitude towards keeping themselves healthy and fit, and could neglect himself. The result of this attitude is bad health.

Strength of the Karaka

When judging the placement of the Karaka, the various houses and relationships need defining. To judge the happiness one gains from ones interaction with the world, one should judge the bhava lord with reference to the karaka of the house. For example, the primary fifth house karaka is Jupiter, which is the karaka for children. Other external manifestations of the fifth house are students (Mercury), lovers (Venus), subordinates (Saturn) etc. To judge the native’s fortune with respect to his relationship with his children, see the position relationship between Jupiter and the fifth lord.

· The Kendra placements are auspicious and show that children will be naturally drawn towards the native, and there is a good relationship between the native and the children.

· The trikona placement is auspicious and shows a healthy mutually reciprocal relationship between the native and his children. This also indicates an active interest in relating with his children.

· The 3-11 relationship is conducive towards a growing friendship with children.

· The 2-12 relationship shows a mismatch in timing the relationship is very unbalanced and requires either lot of giving (12th) or expenses (2nd).

· The 6-8 relationship is the worst, and indicates complications and complete mismatch in ideals and characters. A lot of misfortune with children is experienced due to this.


atmadhikah kaladibhirnabhogah saptanamastamanyam va

The planet with the highest longitude in degrees and minutes, among the seven or eight planet (schemes) is the King and Soul or self significator (Atmakaraka).

The seven charakaraka scheme applies to the jadatma while the eight charakaraka scheme applies to the jivatma because of (a) the desire factor indicated by Rahu which is the primary cause of rebirth of the jivatma and (b) the jadatma cannot procreate and hence cannot have a chara putra karaka (child significator).

atha’ham sampravaksyami grahanatmadikarakan

saptaravyadisanyantan rahvantan va’ stasankhyakan

amsaih samaugnahau dvau cedrahvantan cintayet tada

saptaiva karakanevam kecidastau pracaksate

We shall now discuss two schemes of the atma and other karakas (charakaraka schemes) involving the seven planets from the Sun [to Saturn] and either including or excluding Rahu. These are based on the longitude of planets irrespective of signs.

Maharsi Parasara speaks of two charakaraka schemes involving (1) seven planets from Sun to Saturn and (2) eight planets including Rahu. We can infer the following:

Ø That there are two charakaraka schemes the (1) seven and (2) eight planet schemes.

Ø The seven charakaraka scheme uses the seven planets from Sun to Saturn and when the longitude in degrees of two planets is the same, then Rahu is also considered.

Ø The eight charakaraka scheme uses the eight planets from Sun to Rahu.

Ø Ketu is completely excluded from both the schemes.

atma suryadikhetanam madhye hyamsadhiko grahah

amsasamye kaladhikyat tatsamye vikaladhikah

budhau rasikaladhikyat graho naivatmakarakah

amsadhikah karakah syadalpabhago ‘ntyakarakah

madhyamso madhyakhetah syadupakhetah sa eva hi

vilomagamanadrahoramsah sodhyah khavahnitah

amsakramadadho’ dhahsthascarakhyah karaka iti

The atmakaraka planet is that one whose degrees are the greatest in number among the planets the Sun etc. If the degrees are identical the one having more kalas (minutes) and if the kalas are also identical, the one having more vikalas (seconds) will be the Atmakaraka planet. The learned astrologer should not accept as Atma Karaka planet that one who has more signs and minutes. The planet who has the highest number of degrees is the Atma Karaka, the one who has the lowest number is the Antyakaraka and the one who has neither highest nor the lowest number of degrees is the Madhyakheta and he is also the Upakheta. Due to retrograde motion, the degrees of Rahu should be deducted from 30 and the remainder should be considered as the Atma Karaka. The other charakarakas follow in the order of the decreasing longitudes of the planets.


In a similar manner, the planet with the second highest longitude is declared as the Amatyakaraka of the chart.

tasya bhrata

The planet with the third highest longitude (among the seven or eight planets) is declared the bhratrakaraka, the significator of siblings and master.

tasya mata

The planet with the fourth highest longitude (among the seven or eight planets) is declared the matrakaraka, the significator of mother and shelter.

tasya pita

The planet with the fifth highest longitude (among the seven or eight planets) is declared the pitrakaraka, the significator of father (both pater and progenitor).

tasya putra

The planet with the sixth highest longitude (among the seven or eight planets) is declared the putrakaraka, the significator of children and followers.

Putrakaraka does not exist in the seven planet scheme as clearly mentioned by Maharsi Parasara and Jaimini.

tasya jnatih

The planet with the seventh highest longitude in the eight planet scheme (or sixth highest longitude in the seven planet scheme) is declared the jnatikaraka, signifying relatives and colleagues.

tasya darasca

The planet with the least longitude is declared the darakaraka signifying spouse, business and wealth.

Atmakaraka is King

Yatha rajajnaya vipra putramatyadayo janah

Samartha lokakaryesu tathaivanyepi karakah

The wishes of the king (atmakaraka) are executed by the subjects who are like the son (putrakaraka) and the ministers and officials (amatyakaraka). Similarly all other activities indicated by the various karaka are executed by such relations/people indicated by the other chara (or naisargika) karaka based on the approval of the king (atmakaraka).

This indicates that Atmakaraka is the most important planet where the various activities of the life indicated by the various naisargika karaka and relationships sustained by the various people indicated by the charakaraka will need the explicit approval or support of the atmakaraka. The rajayoga occur by the association between the atmakaraka and either putrakaraka or amatyakaraka. Parasara explains this aspect in more detail bringing out the importance of these two charakaraka along with the atmakaraka.

If there is a replacement of the atmakaraka by the amatyakaraka then a karma yogi is born who shall place his karma above his own self and shall achieve stupendous results by the self (atmakaraka) sacrifice.

Strength and Desire

· Those karaka that are in quadrants (1, 4, 7 & 10) to the atmakaraka are fully supported by it and are strong; those in panaphara houses (2, 5, 8 & 11) are weaker and those in apoklimas houses (3, 6, 9 & 12) are the weakest.

· Those signs/ planets aspected (rasi drsti) or conjoined the atmakaraka are the strongest as they have the personal interference of the king (native himself). These are the external or known wishes of the native.

· The planets/signs aspected by the atmakaraka by full, ¾, ½ or ¼ aspects (graha drsti) show the desires and the extent of such desires of the atma. These are the hidden or internal wishes of the native.

atmanukulamevatra bhavanti phaladayakah | pratikule yatha bhupe sarve’ matyadayo dvija ||

karya kartum manusyanam na samartha bhavanti hi | tatha’tmakarake krure na’nye svasubhadayakah||

anukule nrpe yadvat sarve’ matyadayo dvija | nasubham kurvate tadavananye svasubhadayakah ||

If the atmakaraka favors the activity and the people concerned (I.e. both the naisargika and charakaraka) then the work is surely accomplished. If the atmakaraka does not approve of either the activity (naisargika karaka) or the concerned people (charakaraka) then the accomplishment is difficult. If the atmakaraka disfavors both the activity and people, then the accomplishment is impossible. The amatyakaraka and others become dysfunctional if they do not have the support of the atmakaraka i.e. the profession/ career and other works that the native wishes to do, as indicated by the 10th lord or amatyakaraka, cannot be accomplished satisfactorily if they are unfavorable to the atmakaraka. Similarly, an adverse atmakaraka can prove to be very cruel towards the activities it does not support. Also the malfeasance of other karaka is not felt when the atmakaraka itself is favorable.

If other significators can exert all their strength and resources to execute a task, and yet atmakaraka is not favorable or adverse to the activity, the task cannot be accomplished and will become fruitless. The various activities are indicated by (1) the houses & lords, (2) their Arudha pada and (3) their karaka (all three types).

The houses show the resources and those in quadrants show the maximum resources, panaphara show middling resources and apoklimas show negligible resources. Of these quadrants, the tenth house has maximum resources followed by the seventh, fourth and first house from the atmakaraka (in rasi or other divisional chart). In this manner the strength of the houses indicates the resources available. The lords of the houses show the people available for the task/ activity. Those lords in quadrants indicate easy availability of people, panaphara difficult availability (perhaps some monetary benefits have to be given to convince them to do the work) while apoklimas indicates non availability. Planets in quadrants and trikona (first, fourth, fifth, seventh, ninth & tenth houses) from the atmakaraka are competent to do its bidding while those in dusthana (6, 8 and 12) would not be able to do it for reasons of ill health (sixth & eighth houses) or losses anticipated (twelfth house) and those in trika (third, sixth & eleventh houses) will do the opposite or act inimically towards the atmakaraka and will have to be subdued using the niti sastra of sama (compromise --- eleventh house), dama (money/temptation --- twelfth house), danda (punishment --- sixth house) and bheda (discord/divide and rule policy – third house). The bhava Arudha should be studied from atmakaraka lagna (i.e. treating the sign of the atma karaka planet as lagna) just as the graha Arudha are studied from lagna.

v Sun as Atmakaraka

The native learns to overcome his ego problems and should try practicing humility just as Sri Krsna, knowing that He is the incarnation of Vishnu was always humble and very kind. The Sun is the natural king and the deep desire to rule will manifest as leadership in various undertakings.

A desire for music is sure to be there and such natives should learn to play some musical instrument to channelize their energies that could, in the negative, become very destructive. Instrumental music rejuvenates them and depending on the nature of the sign, this can relate to various instruments. Fire signs show string instruments like the sitar, guitar or violin while earth signs show drums and air signs show air instruments like trumpets, flutes.

Ø Caring for father is a sign of good luck and spirituality is their strongest trait.

Spiritual path definition: Rajayoga

v Moon as Atmakaraka

The native should be very caring and compassionate. The Moon is natural mother and the home of such people is a manifestation to the inner self. Disorder at home or disturbed home tends to disturb them even more. They tend to use lots of glass and crystal in their interiors and in everything, which is a sign of good luck. All artifacts that shine and glitter like the Moon reflecting the light of the Sun, are a source of joy.

Music is their lifeblood, especially melodies or any music where the lyrics are important messages for their thirsty minds. They should learn to sing or hum along a few songs that can revive them whenever mentally low.

Ø Caring for the mother brings many blessings even if the relationship is challenging.

Spiritual path definition: Bhakti

v Mars as Atmakaraka

The native should refrain from all forms of violence and stick to the path of ahimsa. Mars is the strength of the Kalapurusha and gives the ability for wielding weapons. It gives a person desires to win battles and prove his strength. Such people are great fighters and will gradually realize the futility of war mongering which is the great lesson of this life time and like Emperor Asoka will transform into dharma Asoka from Chanda Asoka. They like martial arts and would prefer learning karate, kung-fu and other forms of self-defense. In a more spiritual individual, this can mean learning hatha yoga and other physical exercises to remain strong and ever youthful. So long as these are practiced as a spiritual discipline like the monks of the Shaolin temple, it is very good. Else, the karma can lead one to regret many mistakes caused by acts of violence.

The ultimate lesson in spirituality is that the atma is indestructible and hence does not need any form of physical protection. Violence is a manifestation of one’s hatred towards other creatures and beings.

Ø Caring for natives can be challenging but a sure sign of good luck.

Spiritual path definition: Ahimsa

v Mercury as Atmakaraka

The native should control his speech and be truthful at all times. They had strong attachment to all kinds of writing stationery, pens and inks as well as Universities and Institutions of learning. Learning is a passion and they are always learning something. Life may impose many changes which can be challenging to harmonies, especially when they do not want to hurt anyone but end up, wrong understood by all.

Books of every time bring luck and they can accumulation a library and digest it as well.

Relationship with friends and colleagues can be challenges with many ups and downs as they feel betrayed at times and happy with lot of laughter at other times. Relationships with relative, especially in-laws are a question mark in their lives and this is where their patience fail. They love children and garden and can be great fighter for Mother, Earth, and doing every bit to save the environment and eco system. They truly believe in healthy food, a definition that will change with the trend in the world and they like to know who is eating what.

Arts especially Sculpture, Architecture and Geography interest generated and sometime if Mars involved, Mathematics and logic add to the outlook. Dancing Arth –Yoga, Physically exercises and games always interest the native as they do all moods of communication like T.V., Newspapaer and Magazine.

If the Moon is also strong then they can tend to read every newspaper in pounds and must know things before others got to know them. Caring for in laws, relatives, and friends can bring good luck and fortune.

Ø A change of name radically changes their luck and often this may be forces by circumstances or by marriage.

Spiritual path definition: Jnana

v Jupiter as Atmakaraka

Strong idles and believes mark the personality especially if the Jupiter is not affiliated. Spirituality trends to cover every aspects of life including family and children most often those beliefs tend to be pushed on unsuspecting people. This can be a marked tendency to experience every spiritual path and also to experience the occult and God on earth. They have the gift of the God and can be great speaker and demagogues grabbing the attention of the audience because of sharp views and strong belief.

The native can tend to be exploitative of subordinates and friends and generally does not differentiate between people - even family and outsiders! This gives them a natural warmth causing people to block to them.

Normally the person is the eldest, but if they do have elder siblings then the relationship can be challenging as they feel that everyone else in this world is not matured enough like them.

Ø The native should always respect the Guru, Spouse and care for children.

Spiritual path definition: Satya

v Venus as Atmakaraka

The native must have a very clean character and refrain from illegitimate sex and lust. Venus has atmakaraka generally can mess the things related to sexuality and relationship besides causing sugar problems, if afflicted. Their strength is fine arts and they have an eye for detail especially when it comes to painting and sketching. They are very good with colors and have a strong sense of aesthetics. They like to keep the home as beautiful as they can but if the Venus is affiliated and beat the reverse will be marked features and also a source of ill luck.

Whenever in stress they should try to focus their mind on a beautiful painting or on any work of art that has had an impact. Visit to museums’ can refresh their minds and cause them to handle life’s problems in a very noble way. Every kind of art is their forte including things like dancing, entertainment, movies, and cars. Coffee break can help them soothe their intense merge.

They can be very stubborn and dogmatic but prefer harmony. They have a strong desire for social work and serving women organizations or women in distress can be very uplifting for the soul.

Ø Learn to respect your spouse and seethe other view points. If the relationship with spouse is hampered, bad luck will surely came their way.

Spiritual path definition: Bhakti

v Saturn as Atmakaraka

The native can looked to give sorrows to others and will have to share the sorrows of others. They may cause the spouse and family specially children to undergo sufferings.

The native is very hard working and skilled at any level of work which he can easily learn by observations. He shall have misfortune until he has the blessings of a tradition or lineage of spiritual Master. He has tendency to orthodox which In trouble by going on board and behaving like extreme heterodox especially during the years of growing up. He will tend to follow the skills of elders in any profession and is as perfectionist; He will always have health issues and will gradually learn to turn a blind eye to pain and sufferings.

Ø Learn to respect elders and servants as this will be a sign of good luck.

Spiritual path definition: Karmas

v Rahu as Atmakaraka

With Rahu as atmakaraka, the field is set for suppressing personal ego of atman so that the light of God can shine inside you. Heightened spiruralaty and emotions are marked features. The natives cannot cheat others but can be cheated by many as he is gullible to sweet talking people. The native is said to be feel cheated in those aspects of life indicated by the bhava whose arudha associates with Rahu. If the other factors support the life of a monk, renunciate or spiritualist is the mark for him. Learn to trust foreigerners and respect all cultures and people.

Ø All political boundaries are man made and true spiritual with Ragu AK can break these boundaries in the mind of oneness with all Vasudaiva Kutumbakam.

Spiritual path definition: Vasudaiva Kutumbakam

Reference: A course on Jaimini Maharsi’s Upadesa Sutra by Sanjay Rath and Jyotisha Fundamentals: My Masters words by Visti Larsen


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